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Modern technologies for modeling and development of process information systems
Publication Type:
Report - MRTC
This report gives an overview of the modern technologies used in software development in general, and in development of process information and process automation systems. As the systems became more complex and the software parts of them larger, old software development technologies based on structural type of programming had more and more difficulties to cope with this complexity. The new technologies emerged in recent ten-fifteen years have tried to solve these problems by focusing on a) reuse of software b) increasing the abstraction level in the development processes. All these technologies are based on object-oriented approach. We can see two clear directions of the development. One direction is in a relation to modeling of software systems. During the establishment of object-oriented languages, different methods for modeling object-oriented systems appeared which eventually resulted in Unified Modeling Language (UML). The second direction is related to the implementation part, i.e. to reuse of software components already implemented. This direction is characterized by component-based approach which includes development of methods and different implementations of component-based models and middlewares (for example COM, .NET, CORBA, JavaBeans, etc.). These trends are continuing. UML is grown up in a general methodology, not only used in object-oriented design, and component-based technologies are gaining ground in new domains.
This report gives an overview of basic concepts of object-oriented approach, UML and component-based technologies.
author = {Ivica Crnkovic and Goran Mustapic and Mikael {\AA}kerholm},
title = {Modern technologies for modeling and development of process information systems},
number = {ISSN 1404-3041 ISRN MDH-MRTC-100/2003-1-SE},
month = {May},
year = {2003},
url = {}