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Sources of Variation Analysis in Fixtures for Sheet Metal Assembly Process


Ivan Tomasic, Ilker Erdem , Hamidur Rahman, Alf Andersson , Peter Funk

Publication Type:

Conference/Workshop Paper


Swedish Production Symposium 2016


The assembly quality is affected by various factors within which fixture variations are the most important. For that reason significant research on fixture variations has already been done. In this work we propose a linear mixed models (LMMs) application for the purpose of analyzing sources of variation in the fixture Objective: To estimate the strength of influences of different sources of variation on the control and assembly fixtures. The variables considered are: time, operator, default pin positions, shifts from the default pin positions . Methods: The data was collected through assembly and measurement for repeatability and experimental corrective actions. We use LMMs to model the relation between features measured on the assembled parts and the input variables of interest. The LMMs allow taking into account the correlation of observations contained in the dataset. We also use graphical data presentation methods to explore the data. Results: The expected results are the strengths of influences of the individual variables considered, and the pairwise interactions of between the variables, on the assembled parts variations.


author = {Ivan Tomasic and Ilker Erdem and Hamidur Rahman and Alf Andersson and Peter Funk},
title = {Sources of Variation Analysis in Fixtures for Sheet Metal Assembly Process},
month = {October},
year = {2016},
booktitle = {Swedish Production Symposium 2016},
url = {}