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Switched control for quantized feedback systems: invariance and limit cycles analysis
Publication Type:
Journal article
IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control
We study feedback control for a discrete-time integrator with unitary delay in the presence of quantization both in the control action and in the measurement of the controlled variable. In some applications the quantization effects can be neglected, but when high-precision is needed, they have to be explicitly accounted for in control design. In this paper we propose a switched control solution for minimizing the effect of quantization of both the control and controlled variables for the considered system, that is quite common in the computing systems domain, for example in thread scheduling, clock synchronization, and resource allocation. We show that the switched solution outperforms the one without switching, designed by neglecting quantization, and analyze necessary and sufficient conditions for the controlled system to exhibit periodic solutions in the presence of an additive constant disturbance affecting the control input. Simulation results provide evidence of the effectiveness of the approach.
author = {Alessandro Papadopoulos and Federico Terraneo and Alberto Leva and Maria Prandini},
title = {Switched control for quantized feedback systems: invariance and limit cycles analysis},
volume = {63},
number = {11},
pages = {3775--3786},
month = {November},
year = {2018},
journal = {IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control},
publisher = {IEEE},
url = {}