

The robotics research group is mainly conducting research in the area of autonomous collaborating systems. The focus is on adaptive autonomy, safe and secure path planning, real-time 3D vision, mission planning for collaborating autonomous vehicles, human-robot interaction, and dependable electronics in biomedical engineering and avionic systems

Project TitleStatus
RELIANT Industrial graduate school: Reliable, Safe and Secure Intelligent Autonomous Systems active
SECO-Collab Living Lab active
A Canonical Model of the Primary Visual Cortex finished
Aggregate Farming in the Cloud finished
AI for Sustainable Food Production from Farm to Fork finished
Analysis and Design of Low-Phase-Noise Integrated Voltage-Controlled Oscillators for Wide-Band RF Front-Ends finished
AVANS - civilingenjörsprogrammet i tillförlitliga flyg- och rymdsystem finished
Brain technology in stroke rehabilitation – increasing motor recovery finished
Collaborative Adaptive Autonomous Agents finished
Development of Electroencephalography (EEG) Signal Analysis Techniques for Brain Computer Interface (BCI) Systems finished
DPAC - Dependable Platforms for Autonomous systems and Control finished
eCraft2Learn - Digital Fabrication and Maker Movement in Education: Making Computer-supported Artefacts from Scratch finished
Frequency Synthesizer for Multi-Standard RF Communication Systems finished
GIMME-SPACE finished
GIMME3 - Semi-fault tolerant next generation high performance computer architecture based on screened industrial components finished
Implementation of digital filters finished
Intelligent Human Robot Interaction finished
ITS ESS-H Industrial Graduate School in Reliable Embedded Sensor Systems finished
ITS-EASY, SVAHLA - Stereo Vision Assisted Hauler and Loader Alignment finished
MALTA finished
Mobile Robotics finished
Modular Lightweight Robotics finished
Music in Motion - A Project that combines Arts with Science finished
NeighbourFood - Sharing economy for a resilient food supply chain finished
Ralf II finished
RALF3 - Software for Embedded High Performance Architectures finished
Real-time Heterogeneous Systems finished
RECOG: Closed-loop neurofeedback innovation for cognitive rehabilitation finished
RoboCat finished
Robocygne finished
Robot Colleague - A Project in Collaborative Robotics finished
RUNNER finished
SafeDeep: Dependable Deep Learning for Safety-Critical Airborne Embedded Systems finished
Safety Critical Industrial Machine Vision Inspection and Control System (SAFEi) finished
Saga finished
Sags-tolerant and mains-friendly electrical drives finished
Självkörande cyklar för mer verklighetstrogen utveckling och verifiering av fordons säkerhetssystem för undvikande av cykelolyckor finished
Smart and networking underWAter Robots in cooperation MesheS finished
Two Camera System finished
Unicorn -Sustainable, peaceful and efficient robotic refuse handling finished
VARUM - Vision Aided Robots for Underwater Minehunting finished
Dasher on-hold
Roony on-hold

[Show all publications]

Robust Online Epistemic Replanning of Multi-Robot Missions (Oct 2024)
Lauren Bramblett , Branko Miloradovic, Patrick Sherman , Alessandro Papadopoulos, Nicola Bezzo
IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS 2024)

A Data-Driven Predictive Control Driver for Racing Car Simulation (Oct 2024)
Ruslan Shaiakhmetov , Danilo Pianini , Valter Venusti , Alessandro Papadopoulos
8th International Symposium on Dis- tributed Simulation and Real Time Applications (DS-RT 2024)

A Direct Data-Driven Control Design for Autonomous Bicycles (Sep 2024)
Niklas Persson, Mojtaba Kaheni, Alessandro Papadopoulos
IEEE International Conference on Automation Science and Engineering (CASE 2024)

Risk-Aware Planning of Collaborative Mobile Robot Applications with Uncertain Task Durations (Aug 2024)
Anders Lager, Branko Miloradovic, Giacomo Spampinato , Thomas Nolte, Alessandro Papadopoulos
International Conference on Robot and Human Interactive Communication 2024 (RO-MAN 2024)

Multi-Criteria Optimization of Application Offloading in the Edge-to-Cloud Continuum (Dec 2023)
Branko Miloradovic, Alessandro Papadopoulos
62nd IEEE Conference on Decision and Control (CDC 2023)

GLocal: A Hybrid Approach to the Multi-Agent Mission Re-Planning Problem (Dec 2023)
Mirgita Frasheri , Branko Miloradovic, Lukas Esterle , Alessandro Papadopoulos
IEEE Symposium Series on Computational Intelligence (SSCI 2023)

Mikael Ekström, Professor

Room: U1-125
Phone: +46-21-101671