The purpose of the project is to, in close collaboration with the department of rehabilitation medicine at Danderyd Hospital, implement ElectroEncephaloGraphy (EEG) mediated NeuroFeedback (NF) rehabilitation for stroke patients to study 1) the mechanisms of neuroplasticity that enable improved motor recovery and 2) the impact of severity of motor dysfunction on a) neuroplasticity, and b) on the hand grasping motor outcome of the NF rehabilitation.
First Name | Last Name | Title |
Elaine | Åstrand | Associate Professor,Senior Lecturer |
Martin | Johansson-Alvarez | Doctoral student |
Jonatan | Tidare | Adjunct Senior Lecturer |
EEG non-stationarity across multiple sessions during a Motor Imagery-BCI intervention: two post stroke case series (May 2021) Elaine Åstrand, Jeanette Plantin , Susanne Palmcrantz , Jonatan Tidare 10th International IEEE EMBS Conference on Neural Engineering (NER'21)
Time-resolved estimation of strength of Motor Imagery representation by multivariate EEG decoding (Jan 2021) Jonatan Tidare, Miguel Leon Ortiz, Elaine Åstrand Journal of Neural Engineering (J. Neural Eng.)
Impact of NSGA-II objectives on EEG feature selection related to motor imagery (Jan 2020) Miguel Leon Ortiz, Christoffer Parkkila, Jonatan Tidare, Ning Xiong, Elaine Åstrand Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference (GECCO 2020)
Partner | Type |
Danderyds Sjukhus AB | Municipalities and others |