Miguel Leon Ortiz, Senior Lecturer

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Latest publications:

InSecTT Technologies for the Enhancement of Industrial Security and Safety (Jun 2024)
Sasikumar Punnekkat, Tijana Markovic, Miguel Leon Ortiz, Björn Leander, Alireza Dehlaghi Ghadim, Per Erik Strandberg
Intelligent Secure Trustable Things, Studies in Computational Intelligence (SCI), Springer (SCI-INSECTT)

Federated Learning for Network Anomaly Detection in a Distributed Industrial Environment (Dec 2023)
Alireza Dehlaghi Ghadim, Tijana Markovic, Miguel Leon Ortiz, David Söderman , Per Erik Strandberg
International Conference on Machine Learning and Applications 23 (ICMLA'23)

Enhanced Simulation Environment to Support Research in Modular Manufacturing Systems (Oct 2023)
Björn Leander, Tijana Markovic, Miguel Leon Ortiz
49th Conference of the IEEE Industrial Electronics Society 2023 (IECON 2023)

Federated Learning for Network Anomaly Detection in a Distributed Industrial Environment (Aug 2023)
Alireza Dehlaghi Ghadim, Tijana Markovic, Per Erik Strandberg, David Söderman , Miguel Leon Ortiz
International Conference on Machine Learning and Applications 23 (ICMLA'23)

Multi-Objective Optimization on Autoencoder for Feature Encoding and Attack Detection on Network Data (Jul 2023)
Miguel Leon Ortiz, Tijana Markovic, Sasikumar Punnekkat
Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference (GECCO 2023)

Time-series Anomaly Detection and Classification with Long Short-Term Memory Network on Industrial Manufacturing Systems (Jun 2023)
Tijana Markovic, Alireza Dehlaghi Ghadim, Miguel Leon Ortiz, Ali Balador, Sasikumar Punnekkat
18th Conference on Computer Science and Intelligence Systems (FedCSIS 2023)