Managing offshore development (Jan 2012) Petra Edoff, Christer Norström, Ylva Boivie Perspectives on supplier innovation: theories, concepts and empirical insights on open innovation and the integration of suppliers (STM 18)
Managing offshore development- an intercultural perspective (Jun 2009) Petra Edoff, Christer Norström, Ylva Boivie 16the international product development management conference
Annual Report 2005 - Department of Computer Science and Electronics (Apr 2006) Ylva Boivie, Hans Hansson, Maria Lindén
Annual Report 2004 (Mar 2005) Ylva Boivie, Hans Hansson
MRTC Annual Report 2003 (Feb 2004) Ylva Boivie, Hans Hansson
ESSES 2003 - Lecture Notes - Real-time Systems; Real-time Schedulin (Oct 2003) Ylva Boivie, Hans Hansson, Sang Lyul Min
ESSES 2003 - Lecture Notes - Embedded Systems; Embedded System Programming and Compilation (Sep 2003) Ylva Boivie, Hans Hansson, Jane Kim , Sang Lyul Min
ESSES 2003 - Lecture Notes - Embedded Systems; Operating System and Middleware for Embedded Systems (Sep 2003) Ylva Boivie, Hans Hansson, Jane Kim , Sang Lyul Min
ESSES 2003 - Lecture Notes - Real-time Systems; Introduction and Overview (Sep 2003) Ylva Boivie, Hans Hansson, Sang Lyul Min
ESSES 2003 - Lecture Notes - Real-time Systems; Synchronous Language Paradigm and Formal Methods in (Sep 2003) Ylva Boivie, Hans Hansson, Jane Kim , Sang Lyul Min
ESSES 2003 - Lecture Notes - Low Power Systems; Operating System Support for Low-Power (Aug 2003) Ylva Boivie, Hans Hansson, Jane Kim , Sang Lyul Min
ESSES 2003 - Lecture Notes - Embedded Systems Introduction and Overview (Aug 2003) Ylva Boivie, Hans Hansson, Jane Kim , Sang Lyul Min
ESSES 2003 - Lecture Notes - Embedded Systems; Embedded System Simulation and Design Space Exploratio (Aug 2003) Ylva Boivie, Hans Hansson, Jane Kim , Sang Lyul Min
ESSES 2003 - Lecture Notes - Low Power Systems; Introduction and Overview (Jul 2003) Ylva Boivie, Hans Hansson, Jane Kim , Sang Lyul Min
ESSES 2003 - Lecture Notes - Low Power Systems; Dynamic Voltage Scheduling (Jul 2003) Ylva Boivie, Hans Hansson, Jane Kim , Sang Lyul Min
ESSES 2003 - Lecture Notes - Low Power Systems; Low-power System Modeling and I/O Systems (Jul 2003) Ylva Boivie, Hans Hansson, Jane Kim , Sang Lyul Min
Strategisk baserad samproduktion ett framgångskoncept i lågkonjunkturen (Jun 2009) Ylva Boivie, Mats Jackson, Christer Norström