Dr. Holger M. Kienle holds a PhD degree from the University of Victoria, Canada (2006), a Diploma in Computer Science from the University of Stuttgart, Germany (1999), and a Master of Science degree in Computer Science from the University of Massachusetts Dartmouth (1995). He received a Research Fellowship (1997-1998) from the University of California Santa Barbara and a fellowship from IBM Canada CAS, (2003-2005). He is a part-time researcher with M�lardalen Universitys PROGRESS center (since 2010) and the Computer Science Department at the University of Victoria, Canada (Prof. Hausi M�ller).
Holger has made scientific contributions in the areas of reverse engineering and component-based development. He is program co-chair for WSE 2010 and co-organizer of the WASDeTT workshop series. He has served on the program committees of several conferences (CSMR, ICSM, WCRE, and WSE) and workshops (ICSE SEAMS and RELAW). Holger is working on system-specific analyses that can help to support software evolution and program understanding, to assess software quality, and to enable migration towards component-based architectures. System-specific analyses are analyses tailored towards a specific (industrial) system because such analyses can take advantage of domain/system knowledge that is not available to more general analyses. A key goal is to develop a tool infrastructure that is robust as well as scalable so that analyses can be applied within an industrial setting, and that allows effective specification of system-specific analyses.
Liability for Software in Safety-Critical Mechatronic Systems: An Industrial Questionnaire (Jun 2012) Holger Kienle, Daniel Sundmark, Kristina Lundqvist, Andreas Johnsen Proceedings of the 2nd International Workshop on Software Engineering for Embedded Systems
Software Reverse Engineering in the Domain of Complex Embedded Systems (Nov 2011) Holger Kienle, Johan Kraft, Hausi Müller Reverse Engineering
Ten Years of Access for All from WSE 2001 to WSE 2011 (Sep 2011) Holger Kienle, Porfirio Tramontana , Scott Tilley , Davide Bolchini 13th IEEE International Symposium on Web Systems Evolution
System-Specific Static Code Analyses: A Case Study in the Complex Embedded Systems Domain (Apr 2011) Holger Kienle, Johan Kraft, Thomas Nolte Software Quality Journal
Software Maintenance Research in the PROGRESS Project for Predictable Embedded Software Systems (Mar 2011) Johan Kraft, Holger Kienle, Thomas Nolte, Ivica Crnkovic, Hans Hansson 15th European Conference on Software Maintenance and Reengineering (CSMR11)
Urheberrecht für die Informationsgesellschaft (Jan 2011) Holger Kienle