Marcus Jägemar (not working at IDT anymore)

Marcus Jägemar is currently working as a capacity and performance expert at Ericsson with a part-time assignment as a senior lecturer at Mälardalen University. Marcus is currently supervising two Ph.D. students and participate in several research initiatives.

Marcus studied Computer Engineering at the Mid Sweden University, Sundsvall, Sweden, and at the University of Greenwich, London, UK. He received his M.Sc. in Computer Engineering from Mid Sweden Univerity in 2000. He has since then mainly been working in various roles within Ericsson, both as a consultant and later as a regular employee. Marcus received his Lic. degree in 2016 and his Ph.D. in 2018. within the Mälardalen University DPAC project.

His primary academic interest is to improve the performance of large-scale telecommunication systems through efficient shared hardware resource management.

Marcus' main research interest is how low-level hardware capacity correlates to high-level system performance for both embedded and cloud-based systems.

Embedded systems may have limited hardware capacity due to power/cost/space limitations. How can define and implement the best possible hardware for a given software system? How will cache sizes and cache architectures affect the system performance is a vital question for large-scale systems.

Cloud-based systems have, typically, higher-spec hardware than embedded systems. Nevertheless, it is still important to keep power consumption to a minimum for the given system performance. How can we correctly dimension the cloud-system to meet the system-level requirements?

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Latest publications:

A Fault Management Oriented Resilience Model for Networking Systems (Nov 2024)
Carlo Vitucci, Daniel Sundmark, Marcus Jägemar, Thomas Nolte
The 8th International Conference on System Reliability and Safety (ICSRS24)

Predicting Cache Behaviour of Concurrent Applications (Sep 2024)
Shamoona Imtiaz, Moris Behnam, Gabriele Capannini, Jan Carlson, Marcus Jägemar
29th IEEE International Conference on Emerging Technologies and Factory Automation (ETFA2024)

A Deductive Fault Analysis Method Based on Hypergraphs (Aug 2024)
Carlo Vitucci, Thomas Westerbäck, Daniel Sundmark, Håkan Forsberg, Thomas Nolte, Marcus Jägemar
12th IFAC Symposium on Fault Detection, Supervision and Safety for Technical Processes (SAFEPROCESS 2024)

Run Time Memory Error Recovery Process in Networking System (Nov 2023)
Carlo Vitucci, Daniel Sundmark, Jakob Danielsson, Marcus Jägemar, Alf Larsson , Thomas Nolte
The 7th International Conference on System Reliability and Safety (ICSRS23)

Fault Management Impacts on the Networking Systems Hardware Design (Oct 2023)
Carlo Vitucci, Daniel Sundmark, Marcus Jägemar, Jakob Danielsson, Alf Larsson , Thomas Nolte
49th Conference of the IEEE Industrial Electronics Society 2023 (IECON 2023)

Automatic Clustering of Performance Events (Sep 2023)
Shamoona Imtiaz, Gabriele Capannini, Jan Carlson, Moris Behnam, Marcus Jägemar
28th IEEE International Conference on Emerging Technologies and Factory Automation (ETFA2023)

PhD students supervised as assistant supervisor:

Carlo Vitucci
Jakob Danielsson (former)
Shamoona Imtiaz