Dr. Nazakat Ali is a Post-Doctoral Researcher in Dependable Software Engineering group at Mälardalen University, Department of Innovation, Design and Engineering in Västerås - Sweden. He has done his PhD from Chungbuk National University, Cheongju, South Korea in 2021. He received outstanding graduate researcher award during his PhD. Along with this, he is also recipient of several best conference paper awards. During his PhD, Nazakat was working on the safety for collaborative cyber-physical systems. Before joining MDU, he was postdoctoral researcher at Software Intelligence Engineering Lab. Chungbuk National University, Cheongju South Korea during March 2021~ June 2022, where he was working on learning-based safety analysis for supporting real-time collaboration in intelligent cyber-physical systems.
1. Outstanding Graduate Researcher Award (2021).
2. Best Paper Award at KCSE 2021.
3. Best Paper Award at ICCCA 2017
4. Best Paper Award at KCC 2017.
Served/Serving as a Reviewer for the Journals
1. Applied Science
2. Sensors
3. Autonomous Intelligent Systems (Springer)
4. Connection Science
5. Journal of Software Process and Evolution
6. Journal of Reliability Engineering and System Safety (elsevier)
7. IEEE Access
Check more on Google Scholar
His main research area is safety for safety-critical systems. This includes safety analysis for collaborative systems, safety-by-design and verification, safety assurance, fault tolerance and learning-based safety analysis for safety critical systems. Dr. Ali applies his research on autonomous systems' domain e.g., autonomous vehicles and autonomous robots. He is also interested in applying his research on railway, smart manufacturing, healthcare, and transportation domains.
For more details, you can see my research here
Towards an Integrated Safety-Security Ontology for System of Systems (Oct 2024) Nazakat Ali, Julieth Patricia Castellanos Ardila, Sasikumar Punnekkat 2024 IEEE International Symposium on Systems Engineering (ISSE 2024)
Mitigation Ontology for Analysis of Safety-Critical Systems (Jun 2024) Nazakat Ali, Kristina Lundqvist, Kaj Hänninen The 34th European Safety and Reliability Conference (ESREL'34)
Modeling and Safety Analysis for Collaborative Safety-Critical Systems Using Hierarchical Colored Petri Nets (Jan 2024) Nazakat Ali, Sasikumar Punnekkat, Abdul Rauf Journal of Systems and Software (JSS)
Cross-Version Software Defect Prediction Considering Concept Drift and Chronological Splitting (Oct 2023) Md Alamgir Kabir , Atiq Ur Rehman, M M Manjurul Islam , Nazakat Ali, Marcia L Baptista Symmetry (Symmetry)
Composite Hazard Analysis of System of Systems for Mixed-Traffic Automation in Underground Mine (Jul 2023) Nazakat Ali, Sasikumar Punnekkat IEEE 14th International Conference on Ubiquitous and Future Networks (ICUFN)
Hazard Analysis on a System of Systems using the Hazard Ontology (Jun 2023) Malina Adach, Nazakat Ali, Kaj Hänninen, Kristina Lundqvist 18th Annual System Of Systems Engineering Conference (SoSE2023)
Project Title | Status |
DPAC - Dependable Platforms for Autonomous systems and Control | finished |