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A Framework for Comparing Efficiency, Effectiveness and Applicability of Software Testing Techniques
Publication Type:
Conference/Workshop Paper
Testing: Academic and Industrial Conference (TAIC-PART
Software testing is expensive for the industry, and industry is always constrained by time and effort. Although there is a multitude of test techniques, there are currently no scientifically based guidelines for the selection of appropriate techniques of different domains and contexts. For large complex systems, some techniques are more efficient in finding failures than others are; some are easier to apply than the others are. From an industrial perspective, it is important to find the most effective and efficient test design technique that is possible to automate and apply.
In this paper, we propose an experimental framework for comparison of test techniques with respect to efficiency, effectiveness and applicability. We also plan to evaluate ease of automation, which has not been addressed by previous studies. We highlight some of the problems of evaluating or comparing test techniques in an objective manner. We describe our planned process for this multi-phase experimental study. This includes presentation of some of the important measurements to be collected with the dual goals of analyzing the properties of the test technique, as well as validating our experimental framework.
author = {Sigrid Eldh and Hans Hansson and Sasikumar Punnekkat and Anders Pettersson and Daniel Sundmark},
title = {A Framework for Comparing Efficiency, Effectiveness and Applicability of Software Testing Techniques},
month = {August},
year = {2006},
booktitle = {Testing: Academic and Industrial Conference (TAIC-PART},
url = {}