Dr. Sigrid Eldh currently work full time leading research on Quality and Software Test at Ericsson AB, in Stockholm, where she worked since 1994. She aids in research collaboration and supervision of PhD students as a senior lecturer at MDH and as an adjunct Professor at Carleton University, Ottawa in Canada.
She earned her MSc in Computer Science from Uppsala University, and PhD from Mälardalens Högskola titled "On Test Design". She was the initiator of ISTQB and also started and chaired the Swedish charter, SSTB (Swedish Software Testing Board) the first 7 years. She also started SAST - Swedish Association for Software Test that she chaired the first years.
All aspects of software testing and related subjects, incl. e.g. test architecture, test design techniques,test automation and other test technology and managment. I also focus "mainly" on empirical work in the software life-cycle aiming on industry-academia collaboration, which implicitly talks about effectiveness and efficiency (leading to cost reduction and higher quality).
Automated Analysis of Flakiness-mitigating Delays (Oct 2020) Jean Malm, Adnan Causevic, Björn Lisper, Sigrid Eldh IEEE/ACM 1st International Conference on Automation of Software Test (AST'20)
Enforcing Quality of Service Through Hardware Resource Aware Process Scheduling (Sep 2018) Marcus Jägemar, Sigrid Eldh, Björn Lisper, Moris Behnam, Andreas Ermedahl International Conference on Emerging Technologies and Factory Automation (ETFA'18)
A Runtime Verification Tool for Detecting Concurrency Bugs in FreeRTOS Embedded Software (Aug 2018) Sara Abbaspour, Daniel Sundmark, Sigrid Eldh, Hans Hansson 17th IEEE International Symposium on Parallel and Distributed Computing ( ISPDC-2018)
A Scheduling Architecture for Enforcing Quality of Service in Multi-Process Systems (Sep 2017) Marcus Jägemar, Moris Behnam, Sigrid Eldh, Andreas Ermedahl International Conference on Emerging Technologies And Factory Automation (ETFA'17)
Concurrency bugs in open source software: a case study (Apr 2017) Sara Abbaspour, Daniel Sundmark, Sigrid Eldh, Hans Hansson Journal of Internet Services and Applications (JISA)
A Model for Systematic Monitoring and Debugging of Starvation Bugs in Multicore Software (Aug 2016) Sara Abbaspour, Mehrdad Saadatmand, Sigrid Eldh, Daniel Sundmark, Hans Hansson ASE Workshop on Specification, Comprehension, Testing and Debugging of Concurrent Programs (SCTDCP2016)
Kivanc Doganay
Kristian Wiklund (former)