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Debugging the Asterix Framework by Deterministic Replay and Simulation
Publication Type:
Student Thesis
In recent years, the focus on embedded real-time systems has largely intensified.
More and more products use embedded microcontrollers in order to enhance their
functionality and user-interfaces. Unfortunately, analysis tools for real-time
systems have not followed the same rapid development. In addition, analysis of
real-time systems, like monitoring, debugging and visualization, is made difficult
from the temporal and embedded nature of real-time systems. This paper
describes a prototype of a real-time debugging system for the Asterix real-time
kernel. The system proposed supports deterministic replay, a way of reproducing
executions in order to isolate the bugs that cause errors. The executions are replayed
in a debugger using a software simulator of the target hardware, making it possible to track
down bugs only using a host PC for debuggging.
author = {Daniel Sundmark},
title = {Debugging the Asterix Framework by Deterministic Replay and Simulation},
month = {May},
year = {2002},
url = {}