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Analyzing a Pattern-Based Model of a Real-Time Turntable System
Publication Type:
Conference/Workshop Paper
6th International Workshop on Formal Engineering approaches to Software Components and Architectures(FESCA), ETAPS09, York, UK, March
Electronic Notes in Theoretical Computer Science (ENTCS), Vol 253, Elsevier
Designers of industrial real-time systems are commonly faced with the problem of complex system modeling
and analysis, even if a component-based design paradigm is employed. In this paper, we present a casestudy
in formal modeling and analysis of a turntable system, for which the components are described in
the SaveCCM language. The search for general principles underlying the internal structure of our real-time
system has motivated us to propose three modeling patterns of common behaviors of real-time components,
which can be instantiated in appropriate design contexts. The benefits of such reusable patterns are shown in
the case-study, by allowing us to produce easy-to-read and manageable models for the real-time components
of the turntable system. Moreover, we believe that the patterns may pave the way toward a generic pattern based
modeling framework targeting real-time systems in particular.
author = {Davor Slutej and John H{\aa}kansson and Jagadish Suryadevara and Cristina Seceleanu and Paul Pettersson},
title = {Analyzing a Pattern-Based Model of a Real-Time Turntable System},
editor = {Jens Happe, Barbora Zimmerova},
pages = {161--178},
month = {September},
year = {2009},
booktitle = {6th International Workshop on Formal Engineering approaches to Software Components and Architectures(FESCA), ETAPS09, York, UK, March},
publisher = {Electronic Notes in Theoretical Computer Science (ENTCS), Vol 253, Elsevier},
url = {}