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Best-Effort Simulation-Based Timing Analysis using Hill-Climbing with Random Restarts
Publication Type:
Report - MRTC
Today, many companies developing real-time systems
have no means for accurate timing analysis, as the soft-
ware violates the assumptions of traditional analytical
methods for response-time analysis, and are too complex
for exhaustive analysis using e.g. model checking. This
paper presents an efficient best-effort approach for timing
analysis targeting such systems, where simulations of a
detailed system model are controlled by a simple yet novel
optimization algorithm, based on hill climbing with ran-
dom restarts (HCRR). Using a simulation-based approach
implies that the result is not guaranteed to be the worst-
case response time, but on the other hand, the method can
handle in principle any software design. Unlike previous
approaches, the new algorithm directly manipulates sim-
ulation parameters such as execution times, arrival jitter
and input stimulus.
A thorough evaluation is also presented, where HCRR
is compared to Monte Carlo simulation (the current state-
of-practice) and a previously proposed method. The eval-
uation is performed using a set of simulation models con-
structed from existing systems in the robotics and vehicular
domain, and shows that for the three models investigated,
the proposed method was 4-11% more accurate and vastly
more efficient than the other methods. In our evaluation,
HCRR found the second-best result on average 42 times
faster than the second-best method. For the largest model,
HCRR used only 7.6 % of the simulations needed by the
second-best method to reach the same result, implying
that HCRR scales to larger systems. For the most realistic
model, our new method found the highest-known response
time 1 628 times faster than the second-best method.
author = {Markus Bohlin and Yue Lu and Johan Kraft and Thomas Nolte},
title = {Best-Effort Simulation-Based Timing Analysis using Hill-Climbing with Random Restarts},
number = {ISSN 1404-3041 ISRN MDH-MRTC-236/2009-1-SE},
month = {June},
year = {2009},
url = {}