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From Single to Multiprocessor Real-Time Kernels in Hardware



Lennart Lindh, Johan Furunäs , Johan Stärner

Publication Type:

Conference/Workshop Paper


IEEE Real-Time Technology and Applications Symposium


The article presents three different implementations of a traditional real-time kernel in hardware. All approaches improved performance and determinism by several orders of magnitude when compared with software-based real time kernels. The first implementation provides an integrated deterministic CPU and a deterministic and high performance multitasking real time kernel in hardware. The second implementation provides a deterministic and high performance standalone multitasking real time kernel in hardware and the last implementation provides a deterministic and high performance real time kernel for homogeneous and heterogeneous multiprocessor real-time systems.


author = {Lennart Lindh and Johan Furun{\"a}s and Johan St{\"a}rner},
title = {From Single to Multiprocessor Real-Time Kernels in Hardware},
month = {January},
year = {1995},
booktitle = {IEEE Real-Time Technology and Applications Symposium},
url = {}