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Joint forces for an up-grade in competence
Volvo CE Innovation Conference 2016
Industrial competitiveness requires cooperation with academia. For Volvo, which is increasingly moving away from mechanics towards software, customised opportunities of developing employees' skills is of central importance. In a new skills supply initiative, Volvo teams up with Mälardalen University to make sure employees take advantage of new knowledge, bringing research and development closer together.Industries steeped in history cannot live on former merits; change is required for continued success. This applies not least to the skills of the employees, which must be developed in step with the times. When the surrounding world changes people develop their own employees' skills according to the new conditions. Volvos products and methods are complex, and the company´s skilled employees have ensured that Volvo has been world-leading for many decades. In a world where business models are changing, companies have a lot to gain by developing, or even exchanging, skills to as great an extent as possible.Volvo is one of the companies in the PROMPT initiative, Professional Master in Software Engineering. PROMPT is a national educational initiative, led by Mälardalen University, in cooperation with several academic parties and a number of leading Swedish industrial companies and organizations. Together the parties develop advanced level courses adapted for professional engineers and software developers. The goal is to guarantee the supply of advanced software competencies and innovativeness in Swedish industry.The PROMPT model is a novelty within the Swedish education system. The courses are developed to suit professionals who need to be able to combine work and studies. The courses combine conventional studies with distance, web based learning and seminars at campus or at the participating companies. The implementation phase lasts until 2019; after that the results – the courses and methods – will be handed over to the participating universities and turned into a part of their regular offer.Our challenge is to make sure that the PROMPT concept is robust enough to last, ensuring continuous exchange of knowledge between industry and academia – and supporting innovation and competitiveness in Swedish companies.In this presentation, we want to discuss how both companies and universities can up-grade the way they cooperate to bring maximal value to Sweden in terms of how to
• modernize ways to educate professionals
• up-grade skills of engineers and increase understanding of digitalisation
• speed up technical transfer from research to industry
• ensure universities understand industrial challenges
• spread successful concepts for cooperation to more companies and universities
author = {Malin Rosqvist and Hans Hansson and Daniel Sundmark and Peter Wallin},
title = {Joint forces for an up-grade in competence},
month = {September},
year = {2016},
url = {}