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Real-time Fog-based Industrial Robotic System: Applications and Challenges
Shaik Salman,
Václav Struhár,
Zeinab Bakhshi
Van Lan Dao,
Nitin Desai,
Alessandro Papadopoulos,
Thomas Nolte,
Vasileios Karagiannis
Stefan Schulte
Alexandre Venito
Gerhard Fohler Publication Type:
Conference/Workshop Paper
The 25th IEEE International Conference on Emerging Technologies and Factory Automation
Low latency and on demand resource availability enable fog computing to host industrial applications in a cloud like manner. One industrial domain which stands to benefit from the advantages of fog computing is robotics. However, the challenges in developing and implementing a fog-based robotic system are manifold. To illustrate this, in this paper we discuss a system involving robots and robot cells at a factory level, and then highlight the main building blocks necessary for achieving such functionality in a fog-based system. Further, we elaborate on the challenges in implementing such an architecture, with emphasis on resource virtualization, memory interference management, real-time communication and the system scalability, dependability and safety. We then discuss the challenges from a system perspective where all these aspects are interrelated.
author = {Shaik Salman and V{\'a}clav Struh{\'a}r and Zeinab Bakhshi and Van Lan Dao and Nitin Desai and Alessandro Papadopoulos and Thomas Nolte and Vasileios Karagiannis and Stefan Schulte and Alexandre Venito and Gerhard Fohler},
title = {Real-time Fog-based Industrial Robotic System: Applications and Challenges},
pages = {61--68},
month = {September},
year = {2020},
booktitle = {The 25th IEEE International Conference on Emerging Technologies and Factory Automation},
url = {}