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Development of a gyro sensor based computer mouse
Publication Type:
Conference/Workshop Paper
EMBEC05 European Medical & Biological Engineering Conference
This paper describes the development of an alternative computer mouse for disabled persons. The mouse is an advanced technical aid for a large group of disabled (handicapped) persons, and can be placed on variuos suitable body parts. The mouse is module based and have many functions that enable a disabled persons to control a computer. It also allows the person to work efficent on the computer. The functions have been developed togehter with disabled persons and are based on their wishes and needs. Therfor it is not only a «head-mouse», it is an alternative mouse! The device is a gyro sensor based computer mouse and it operates by sensing the rotation of a body part. The disabled users appreciated the high sensitivity of the mouse and that it is easy to install and use, thanks the USB «plug&play» functionality. The mouse is a small and comfortable computer mouse that suits a various groups of disabled persons with different types of movement handicaps.
author = {Christer Gerdtman and Maria Lind{\'e}n},
title = {Development of a gyro sensor based computer mouse},
editor = {EMBEC},
month = {November},
year = {2005},
booktitle = {EMBEC05 European Medical {\&} Biological Engineering Conference},
publisher = {EMBEC},
url = {}