An interactive health technology solution for encouraging physical activity (Mar 2018) Anna Åkerberg Doctoral Thesis (PhD Thesis)
Pedometer Cell Phone Applications and future trends in measuring physical activity (A chapter in the book) (Jan 2013) Anna Åkerberg, Maria Lindén, Mia Folke
Evaluation of the content of a web tool aimed to identify early markers related to fall risk among middle-aged people (Sep 2020) Mia Folke, Anna Åkerberg, Marina Arkkukangas , Annika Kärnsund , Mikael Johnsson Health and Technology (--)
The development and usability evaluation of an interactive health technology solution, for encouragement of physical activity in inactive adults, based on the user perspective (Aug 2018) Anna Åkerberg, Anne Söderlund, Maria Lindén Journal of technology in behavioral science (JTBS)
Evaluation of the IngVaL Pedobarography System for Monitoring of Walking Speed (May 2018) Per Hellström, Anna Åkerberg, Martin Ekström, Mia Folke Healthcare Informatics Research (HIR)
Technologies for physical activity self-monitoring: a study of differences between users and non-users (Feb 2017) Anna Åkerberg, Anne Söderlund, Maria Lindén Open Access Journal of Sports Medicine (OAJSM)
Investigation of the validity and reliability of a smartphone pedometer application (May 2016) Anna Åkerberg, Anne Söderlund, Maria Lindén European Journal of Physiotherapy (EJP)
Innovations to control the environment for persons with movement disorders: Support in home care (Aug 2013) Maria Lindén, Anna Åkerberg Recent Patents on Biomedical Engineering (rpbe)
Methods in an interdisciplinary project within health technology (Oct 2018) Anna Åkerberg Medicinteknikdagarna 2018 (MTD 2018)
The relevence of the user perspective in a project within health technology (Oct 2017) Anna Åkerberg, Maria Lindén Medicinteknikdagarna 2017 (MTD 2017)
Walking Intensity Estimation with a Portable Pedobarography System (May 2016) Per Hellström, Anna Åkerberg, Martin Ekström, Mia Folke 13th International Conference on Wearable Micro and Nano Technologies for Personalized Health (pHealth 2016)
Steps measured in relation to different amount of physical activity (Jun 2015) Anna Åkerberg, Per Hellström, Mia Folke 4th International Conference on Ambulatory Monitoring of Physical Activity and Movement (ICAMPAM 2015)
Posture Sensor as Feedback when Lifting Weights (Jun 2015) Per Hellström, Anna Åkerberg, Mia Folke 4th International Conference on Ambulatory Monitoring of Physical Activity and Movement (ICAMPAM 2015)
Heart Rate Measurement as a tool to quantify Sedentary Behavior (Jun 2015) Anna Åkerberg, Gregory Koshmak, Maria Lindén, Anders Johansson 12th International Conference on Wearable Micro and Nano Technologies for Personalized Health (pHealth 2015)
Utvärdering av en stegräknarapplikation; mätnoggrannhet i olika mätmiljöer och positioner (Oct 2014) Anna Åkerberg, Anne Söderlund, Maria Lindén Medicinteknikdagarna 2014 (MTD10)
Evaluation of a Selected Pedometer Cell Phone Application for iPhone (Sep 2014) Anna Åkerberg, Anne Söderlund, Maria Lindén International conference on health and social welfare and coproduction (HW2014)
Accuracy in pedometers: Dependent on the technology for measurement? (Jun 2014) Anna Åkerberg, Anne Söderlund, Maria Lindén 11th International conference on wearable Micro and Nano Technologies for Personalized Health (Phealth2014)
Stegräknar-appar för att främja folkhälsan - men mäter de rätt? (Oct 2013) Anna Åkerberg, Maria Lindén Medicinteknikdagarna 2013 (MTD13)
Evaluation of different kind of pedometers measuring walking steps at different speeds (Jun 2013) Anna Åkerberg, Maria Lindén 3rd International Conference on Ambulatory Monitoring of Physical Activity and Movement (ICAMPAM)
How Accurate are Pedometer Cell Phone Applications? A comparison between six applications (Oct 2012) Anna Åkerberg, Maria Lindén, Mia Folke HCIST2012, International Conference on Health and Social Care Information Systems and Technologies
Tekniker som stimulerar till ökad fysisk aktivitet (Oct 2011) Mia Folke, Anna Åkerberg Medicinteknikdagarna 2011