Striving for meaning – a study of innovation processes (Oct 2015) Åsa Öberg
Managing offshoring of complex products: Strategy and capabilities (Apr 2014) Petra Edoff
Säkerhetsvärdering av organisationsförändringar vid storskalig kärnteknisk verksamhet: Problem, utmaningar och förslag på lösning (Nov 2011) Ulf Kahlbom
Säkerhetsvärdering av organisationsförändringar vid storskalig kärnteknisk verksamhet: Problem, utmaningar och förslag på lösning (2011) Ulf Kahlbom
Myten om det rationella flödet: en studie av hur organisatorisk ledning formas genom omvärldsanalys och underrättelsearbete i kunskapsintensiva företagsmiljöer (Nov 2009) Magnus Hoppe
Beskrivningsspråk i och för kreativ praxis: Idéutveckling under gruppsession (Nov 2008) Bengt Köping Olsson
Jakten på Entreprenörer – om öppningar och låsningar i Entreprenörskapsdiskursen (Jan 2007) Karin Berglund
User-involved service innovation – three perspectives on co-creation (Nov 2015) Carina Sjödin
Remote Monitoring and Automatic Fall Detection for Elderly People at Home (Jun 2015) Gregory Koshmak
Dancing innovation: How can we use knowledge from contemporary dance to enable innovation in organisations? (Apr 2014) Nina Bozic Yams
Innovation groups: Before innovation work is begun (Feb 2013) Mikael Johnsson
Innovation driven by meaning (Nov 2012) Åsa Öberg
Organisation, omvärldssignaler och innovationsförmåga (Oct 2012) Bengt Wahlström
Organizational capabilities for managing the offshoring of product development (Jun 2011) Petra Edoff
Innovative Quality Improvements in Operations (Jul 2017) Tomas Backström, Anders Fundin, Peter E Johansson International Series in Operations Research & Management Science (Springer)
Delat ledarskap (May 2013) Marianne Döös , Lena Wilhelmson , Tomas Backström Liber (Liber)
Complexity and the Nexus of Leadership (2011) J Goldstein, James K. Hazy, B Lichtenstein Palgrave Macmillan (Palgrave M.)
Entrepreneurship Requires Resistance to be Mobilized. (Nov 2010) Karin Berglund
Chefer i samarbete. Om delat och utvecklande ledarskap (Jan 2010) Marianne Döös , Lena Wilhelmson , Tomas Backström
Myten om det rationella flödet (Jan 2009) Magnus Hoppe
Kommunikativt ledarskap. Den nya tidens ledarskap i värdeskapande nätverk (Jan 2009) Sven Hamrefors
Complexity Science and Social Entrepreneurship (2009) J Goldstein, James K. Hazy, J Silberstang ISCE Publishing (ISCE )
Arenor för entreprenörskap (Nov 2008) Karin Berglund, Anders W Johansson
Entreprenörskap & Skolan Vad berättar lärare att de gör lärare när de gör entreprenörskap i skolan? (Dec 2007) Karin Berglund
Kvinnors Företagande - En internationell forskningsöversikt (Dec 2007)
Management by Freedom. Essays in moving from Machiavellian to Rousseauian approaches to innovation and inquiry. (Dec 2005) Erik Lindhult
Den uppmärksamma organisationen (Sep 2002) Sven Hamrefors
Entrepreneurship in teacher education: conceptualization and tensions. (Sep 2018) Karin Axelsson, Mats Westerberg
Is what´s good for business good for Society? Entrepreneurship in a school setting. (Feb 2018) Karin Axelsson, Linda Höglund , Maria Mårtensson
Organizing viable development work in operations (Jul 2017) Peter E Johansson International Series in Operations Research & Management Science (Springer)
Already there? Cultivating emergent places for radical innovation in operations (Jun 2017) Jennie Andersson Schaeffer International Series in Operations Research & Management Science, Innovative Quality Improvement in Operations - Introducing Emergent Quality Management (IQIO)
Making People’s Work-Integrated Relations Visible. Useable Organisational Images for Managerial Enabling of Change (Nov 2015) Marianne Döös , Peter E Johansson, Tomas Backström International yearbook of adult education (IYAE)
Att synliggöra samarbete – bilder och begrepp för förändring (May 2015) Marianne Döös , Peter E Johansson, Tomas Backström Studentlitteratur, Lund (Std. litteratur)
Visualisations of Relatonics: A Tool to Support Change in the Organising of Work? (Jul 2014) Peter E Johansson, Tomas Backström, Marianne Döös Impact of Emerging Digital Technologies on Leadership in Global Business (IGI Global)
Developing collaborative power in working life: linking American pragmatism and action research (Jul 2013) Tore Hafting , Erik Lindhult
The Middle Management of Offshoring (Jan 2013) Petra Edoff Advances in global sourcing: Models, Governance, and Relationships (LBIP A)
Managing offshore development (Jan 2012) Petra Edoff, Christer Norström, Ylva Boivie Perspectives on supplier innovation: theories, concepts and empirical insights on open innovation and the integration of suppliers (STM 18)
Creativity for industrial renewal (Dec 2011) Karin Berglund, Bengt Köping Olsson
More Than a Metaphor: Complexity and the New Rules of Management (Nov 2011) James K. Hazy SAGE (SAGE)
Modeling social structure as network effects:Computational evidence that rewarding learning improves performance (2011) James K. Hazy, B. F Tivnan, D. R Schwandt Springer Complexity Publishing (Springer C. P.)
Permeable boundaries in organizational learning: Computational modeling explorations (2011) James K. Hazy, B. F Tivnan, D. R Schwandt Springer Complexity Publishing (Springer C. P.)
The emergence of social identity as a means for creating and sustaining social value (2011) James K. Hazy, J Silberstang ISCE Publishing (ISCE )
Toward a theory of social value creation: Individual agency and the use of information within nested dynamical systems (2009) James K. Hazy, S Moskalev , M Torras ISCE Publishing (ISCE )
Complexity and Social Entrepreneurship: A Future of Possibilities (2009) James K. Hazy, J Goldstein, J Silberstang ISCE Publishing (ISCE )
Complexity Science & Social Entrepreneurship: Editorial: Liberating ‘Our Better Angels’ (2009) J Goldstein, James K. Hazy, J Silberstang ISCE Publishing (ISCE )
Game-Changing Leadership Through Social Networks in Complex Systems (2009) James K. Hazy nformation Age Publishers (IAP)
Innovation Reordering: Five principles for leading continuous renewal (2009) James K. Hazy Carl-Auer Verlag (Carl-A. Verlag)
Societal Entrepreneurship Positioning, Penetrating, Promoting (Oct 2012) Carina Holmgren Translating entrepreneurship into the education setting – a case of societal entrepreneurship
Sustainable entrepreneurship as driver in cleantech development towards industrial eco-renewal (Dec 2011) Erik Lindhult Studies in Industrial Renewal – Coping with Changing Contexts
The Role of Manager in the Post-Industrial Work System (Jun 2011) Tomas Backström, Lena Wilhelmson , Bengt Köping Olsson, Mattias Åteg , Marie Åberg Studies in industrial renewal