Flexible Scheduling for Media Processing in Resource Constrained Real-Time Systems (Nov 2004) Damir Isovic
Transformation Methods for Off-line Schedules to Attributes for Fixed Priority Scheduling (May 2003) Radu Dobrin
Handling Aperiodic Tasks and Overload in Distributed Off-line Scheduled Real-Time Systems (May 2003) Tomas Lennvall
Networked Control Systems - An Overview (Sep 2004) Pau Marti , Josep M. Fuertes , Gerhard Fohler The Handbook on Information Technology in Industrial Automation
Requirements for Real-Time Components (Jan 2002) Damir Isovic, Christer Norström Building Reliable Component-Based Systems
Building Real-Time Systems with Commercial-Off-The-Shelf Components (Jan 2001) Oscar Gonzalez , Krithi Ramamritham , Chia Shen , Gerhard Fohler Building Reliable Component-Based Systems
Real-time issues of MPEG-2 playout in resource constrained systems (Jun 2005) Damir Isovic, Gerhard Fohler, Liesbeth Steffens International Journal of Embedded Systems
Pre-Scheduling (May 2005) Weirong Wang , Al Mok , Gerhard Fohler Real-Time Systems Journal
RTOS support for mixed time-triggered and event-triggered task sets (Dec 2012) Martijn van den Heuvel , Damir Isovic, Reinder Bril , Johan Lukkien , Gowri Sankar Ramachandran 10th EUC (EUC'12)
Towards RTOS support for mixed time-triggered and event-triggered task sets (Sep 2012) Martijn van den Heuvel , Reinder Bril , Damir Isovic, Johan Lukkien , Gowri Sankar Ramachandran 17th IEEE International Conference on Emerging Technologies & Factory Automation (ETFA'12)
Integrated Global and Local Quality-of-Service Adaptation in Distributed, Heterogeneous Systems (Dec 2007) Larisa Rizvanovic, Damir Isovic, Gerhard Fohler International IFIP Conference on Embedded and Ubiquitous Computing (EUC-07)
Real-Time Control and Scheduling Co-Design for Efficient Jitter Handling (Aug 2007) Moris Behnam, Damir Isovic The 13th IEEE International Conference on Embedded and Real-Time Computing Systems and Applications
Providing Adaptive QoS in Wireless Networks by Traffic Shaping (Mar 2005) Tomas Lennvall, Gerhard Fohler Resource management for media processing in networked embedded systems (RM4NES)
Pre-Scheduling on The Domain of Integers (Dec 2004) Weirong Wang , Al Mok , Gerhard Fohler IEEE Real-Time Systems Symposium
Quality aware MPEG-2 stream adaptation in resource constrained systems (Jul 2004) Damir Isovic, Gerhard Fohler Proceedings of the 16th International Euromicro Conference on Real-time Systems (ECRTS 04)
Managing Quality-of-Control Performance Under Overload Conditions (Jul 2004) Manel Velasco , Pau Marti , Giorgio Buttazzo , Gerhard Fohler 16th Euromicro Conference on Real-time Systems (ECRTS 04)
Generalized Pre-Scheduler (Jul 2004) Weirong Wang , Al Mok , Gerhard Fohler 16th Euromicro Conference on Real-time Systems (ECRTS 04)
A Hybrid Proactive Approach for Integrating Off-line and On-line Real-Time Schedulers (Oct 2003) Weirong Wang , Al Mok , Gerhard Fohler Third International Conference on Embedded Software
Timing constraints of MPEG-2 decoding for high quality video: misconceptions and realistic assumptions (Jul 2003) Damir Isovic, Gerhard Fohler, Liesbeth Steffens Proceedings of the 15th International Euromicro Conference on Real-Time Systems (ECRTS 03)
Improving Quality-of-Control using Flexible Timing Constraints: Metric and Scheduling Issues (Dec 2002) Pau Marti , Gerhard Fohler, Krithi Ramamritham , Josep M. Fuertes 23 rd IEEE Real-time System Symposium
Some Misconceptions about Temporal Constraints of MPEG-2 Video Decoding (Dec 2002) Damir Isovic, Gerhard Fohler, Liesbeth Steffens Proceedings of the WiP of the 23rd IEEE International Real-Time Systems Symposium (RTSS 2003)
Reducing the Number of Preemptions in Standard Fixed Priority Scheduling (Jun 2002) Radu Dobrin, Gerhard Fohler Proc. 14th Euromicro International Conference on Real-Time Systems, Work in Progress Session,
Handling Aperiodic Tasks in Diverse Real-Time Systems via Plug-Ins (May 2002) Tomas Lennvall, Gerhard Fohler, Björn Lindberg 5th IEEE International Symposium on Object-oriented Real-time distributed Computing
Components in Real-Time Systems (Mar 2002) Damir Isovic, Christer Norström Proceedings of the The 8th International Conference on Real-Time Computing Systems and Applications (RTCSA 2002)
SALSART - A Web Based Cooperative Environment for Offline Real-time Schedule Design (Jan 2002) Gerhard Fohler, Damir Isovic, Tomas Lennvall, Roger Vuolle Proceedings of the 10th International Euromicro Workshop on Parallel, Distributed and Network-based Processing (PDP 02)
Translating Off-line Schedules into Task Attributes for Fixed Priority Scheduling (Dec 2001) Radu Dobrin, Gerhard Fohler, Peter Puschner Real-Time Systems Symposium
Implementing Off-line Message Scheduling on Controller Area Network (CAN) (Oct 2001) Radu Dobrin, Gerhard Fohler In 8th IEEE Int. Conf. on Emerging Technologies & Factory Automation
Improved Handling of Soft Aperiodic Tasks in Offline Scheduled Real-Time Systems using Total Bandwidth Server (Oct 2001) Gerhard Fohler, Tomas Lennvall, Giorgio Buttazzo In 8th IEEE Int. Conf. on Emerging Technologies & Factory Automation
Value Based Overload Handling of Aperiodic Tasks in Offline Scheduled Real-Time Systems (Jun 2001) Jan Carlson, Tomas Lennvall, Gerhard Fohler Work-in-progress Session, 13th Euromicro Conference on Real-Time Systems
Task Attribute Assignment of Fixed Priority Scheduled Tasks to Reenact Off-Line Schedules (Dec 2000) Radu Dobrin, Yusuf Özdemir , Gerhard Fohler Proceedings of RTCSA 2000
Efficient Scheduling of Sporadic, Aperiodic, and Periodic Tasks with Complex Constraints (Nov 2000) Damir Isovic, Gerhard Fohler Proceedings of the 21st International IEEE Real-Time Systems Symposium (RTSS 00)
Attribute Assignment for the Integration of Off-line and Fixed Priority Scheduling (Nov 2000) Radu Dobrin, Gerhard Fohler Work-in-Progress Session, 21st IEEE Real-Time Systems Symposium
System Development with Real-Time Components (Jun 2000) Damir Isovic, Ivica Crnkovic, Markus Lindgren Proceedings of the International ECOOP2000 Workshop 22 - Pervasive Component-based systems
Online Handling of Firm Aperiodic Tasks in Time Triggered Systems (Jun 2000) Damir Isovic, Gerhard Fohler Proceedings od the 12th EUROMICRO Conference on Real-Time Systems (ECRTS 00)
Adaptive Modes Agents for Real-time Systems Using Active Objecs, Plenary Paper (Dec 1999) Carlos Mitieri , Carlos Peireira , Gerhard Fohler Multi-Agent Systems in Production
Handling Sporadic Tasks in Off-line Scheduled Distributed Real-Time Systems (Jul 1999) Damir Isovic, Gerhard Fohler Proceedings of the 11th International EUROMICRO Conference on Real-Time Systems (ECRTS 99)
Plug-In Based Aperiodic Task Handling for Diverse Real-Time Systems (Jun 1999) Björn Lindberg , Gerhard Fohler 11th Euromicro Workshop on Real-Time Systems
Towards Efficient Analysis of Interrupts in Real-Time Systems (May 1999) Jukka Mäki-Turja, Gerhard Fohler, Kristian Sandström 11th EUROMICRO Conference on Real-Time Systems, York, England.
Flexible Reliable Timing - Real-Time vs. Reliability (May 1999) Gerhard Fohler Keynot Address, 10th European Workshop on Dependable Computing
Time Triggered vs. Event Triggered - Towards Predictably Flexible Real-Time Systems (May 1999) Gerhard Fohler Keynote Address, Brazilian Workshop on Real-Time Systems
Joint Scheduling of Distributed Complex Periodic and Hard Aperiodic Tasks in Statically Scheduled Systems (Dec 1995) Gerhard Fohler IEEE Real-Time Systems Symposium
Handling Sporadic Tasks in Real-time Systems - Combined Offline and Online Approach (Jun 2001) Damir Isovic
Simulation Analysis of Sporadic and Aperiodic Task Handling (May 2001) Damir Isovic, Gerhard Fohler
Integration of off-line and on-line scheduling for admission control (Sep 2000) Tomas Lennvall
Online Handling of Aperiodic Tasks in Time Triggered Systems (May 2000) Damir Isovic, Gerhard Fohler
Analysis of MPEG-2 Video Streams (Aug 2002) Damir Isovic, Gerhard Fohler, Tomas Lennvall
Components in Real-Time Systems (Dec 2001) Damir Isovic, Christer Norström
Value Based Overload Handling of Aperiodic Tasks in Distributed Offline Scheduled Real-Time Systems (May 2001) Tomas Lennvall, Jan Carlson, Gerhard Fohler
Guaranteeing Sporadic Tasks in Static Schedules (Jun 1998) Damir Isovic