Daniel Bujosa Mateu, Post Doc

  • Since January 2024, Post Doc at the School of Innovation, Design, and Engineering (IDT) at Mälardalen University (MDU)
  • 2017-2019: Laboratory technician in the Systems, Robotics and Vision Research Group
  • PhD in Computer Science from Mälardalen University (MDU)
  • Master's in Industrial Engineering from Universitat de les Illes Balears (UIB)
  • Degree in Automation and Industrial Electronic Engineering from Universitat de les Illes Balears (UIB)

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Latest publications:

Reducing Pessimism in Response Time Analysis of AVB Traffic in TSN (Jan 2025)
Daniel Bujosa Mateu, Julián Proenza , Alessandro Papadopoulos, Thomas Nolte, Mohammad Ashjaei

An Improved Worst-Case Response Time Analysis for AVB Traffic in Time-Sensitive Networks (Dec 2024)
Daniel Bujosa Mateu, Julián Proenza , Alessandro Papadopoulos, Thomas Nolte, Mohammad Ashjaei
45th IEEE Real-Time Systems Symposium (RTSS 2024)

TALESS: TSN with Legacy End-Stations Synchronization (Aug 2024)
Daniel Bujosa Mateu, Julián Proenza , Alessandro Papadopoulos, Thomas Nolte, Mohammad Ashjaei
Open Journal of the Industrial Electronics Society (OJIES)

Introducing Guard Frames to Ensure Schedulability of All TSN Traffic Classes (Sep 2023)
Daniel Bujosa Mateu, Julián Proenza , Alessandro Papadopoulos, Thomas Nolte, Mohammad Ashjaei
28th International Conference on Emerging Technologies and Factory Automation (ETFA 2023)

The Effects of Clock Synchronization in TSN Networks with Legacy End-Stations (Sep 2022)
Daniel Bujosa Mateu, Andreas Johnsson, Mohammad Ashjaei, Alessandro Papadopoulos, Julián Proenza , Thomas Nolte
International Conference on Emerging Technologies and Factory (ETFA'2022)

HERMES: Heuristic Multi-queue Scheduler for TSN Time-Triggered Traffic with Zero Reception Jitter Capabilities (Jun 2022)
Daniel Bujosa Mateu, Mohammad Ashjaei, Alessandro Papadopoulos, Thomas Nolte, Julián Proenza
The 30th International Conference on Real-Time Networks and Systems (RTNS'22)