Zelalem Mihret Belay, Post Doc

Studied first degree at Addis Ababa Universty, Ethiopia; masters in computer science at University of Trento, Italy; and Phd in computer science at KAIST, South Korea.

The collective outcome of components doesn't always match their individual contributions. Through purposeful design and models, the whole can be elevated beyond the mere amalgamation of its parts. This is one of the core principles in the field of system of systems engineering (SoSE). My new position at Mälardalen University as a postdoc focuses on mission and capability modelling for SoS. My phd thesis at KAIST with Prof. Doo-Hwan Bae explores a policy-guided collaboration in the SoS context using decision-making pattern analysis and reinforcement learning techniques.

Policy-guided collaboration 

One of the primary aims of a system of systems engineering (SoSE) is to achieve the overarching goals of a complex system by utilizing a set of constituent systems' capabilities. A constituent system (CS) is a system itself, has its own priorities, goals, and resources. It could exist and operate independent of other systems. Consequently, the devlopment, deployment and operation of a SoS exhbits evolutionary development, allowing for the creation of emergent behavior. This process, when guided by policies, can lead to effective outcome for SoS goals. With this regard, I work on policy-guided collaboration for SoS that involves policy modeling, collaboration method development, and related issues.

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Latest publications:

Policy-Guided Collaboration for Enhancing System of Systems Goal Achievement (Apr 2024)
Zelalem Mihret Belay, Jakob Axelsson, Eunkyoung Jee , Doo-Hwan Bae
The 18th Annual International Systems Conference (SysCon24)

Simulation-based Recommendation Generation for Heterogeneous Systems Participating in a Collaborative Work
Zelalem Mihret Belay, Eunkyoung Jee , Doo-Hwan Bae
17th IEEE International Conference on System of Systems Engineering (SoSE2022)