Systems-of-systems (SoS) describe situations where a set of independent constituent systems (CS) collaborate to reach some higher-level objectives. This is an area of increasing importance in the digital transformation of society, where more and more systems get interconnected. The objective of SoS engineering is to ensure that the collaboration among the CS provides an emergent set of capabilities. These capabilities can be called upon to carry out concrete operational missions to reach the objectives of the SoS owners. A challenge is that there is today a lack of good methods for modeling SoS capabilities and missions and also a lack of support for designing them.
This project addresses those challenges by investigating ways of modeling and using those models for design space exploration. As a first step, a synthesis is made of the current best practice, and with this as a basis a core ontology for SoS capabilities and missions is developed. This core ontology is then extended for two specific application domains, namely aerospace and construction. Using these ontology-based modeling techniques, the project studies ways of supporting SoS engineering through design space exploration. The dimensions of this include what CS are needed in the SoS; what capabilities they need to offer; how to form constellations of CS to perform a particular mission; and how to deal with evolution of the SoS.
The project is carried out in collaboration with SAAB Aeronautics and Volvo Construction Equipment.
First Name | Last Name | Title |
Jakob | Axelsson | Professor |
Jan | Carlson | Professor |
Zelalem Mihret | Belay | Post Doc |
Joyce | Martin | Doctoral student |
Jagadish | Suryadevara | Consulting Senior Lecturer |
Evaluation of Systems Engineering Ontologies: Experiences from Developing a Capability and Mission Ontology for Systems of Systems (Oct 2024) Joyce Martin, Jakob Axelsson, Jan Carlson, Jagadish Suryadevara 2024 IEEE International Symposium on Systems Engineering (ISSE 2024)
An Agent-Based Ontology to Support Modeling of Socio-Technical Systems-of-Systems (Aug 2024) Jakob Axelsson INCOSE IS 2024 (IS24)
Mediators in Systems-of-Systems and Ecosystems: A Systematic Literature Review and Conceptualization (Apr 2024) Jakob Axelsson 12th ACM/IEEE International Workshop on Software Engineering for Systems-of-Systems and Software Ecosystems (SESoS 2024)
Policy-Guided Collaboration for Enhancing System of Systems Goal Achievement (Apr 2024) Zelalem Mihret Belay, Jakob Axelsson, Eunkyoung Jee , Doo-Hwan Bae The 18th Annual International Systems Conference (SysCon24)
Towards Formalizing a Systems of Systems Core Ontology for Capability Configuration, a SysML Approach (Mar 2024) Joyce Martin, Johan Cederbladh Conference on Systems Engineering Research 2024 (CSER24)
Towards a Core Ontology for Missions and Capabilities in Systems of Systems (Jun 2023) Joyce Martin, Jakob Axelsson, Jan Carlson, Jagadish Suryadevara 18th Annual System Of Systems Engineering Conference (SoSE2023)
Partner | Type |
Saab | Industrial |
Volvo Construction Equipment AB | Industrial |