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Efficient Condition Monitoring and Diagnosis Using a Case-Based Experience Sharing System
Publication Type:
Conference/Workshop Paper
20th International Congress and Exhibition on Condition Monitoring and Diagnostics Engineering Management, COMADEM 2007
IT-Instituto de Telecomunicacoes
Industry has to adjust quickly to changes in their surroundings, for example reducing staff during recession and increasing staff when the market demands it. These factors may cause rapid loss of experience, collected during many years, or require experienced staff to spend considerable resources in training new staff, instead of focusing on production. This is recognised as very costly for companies and organisations today and also reduces competitiveness and productivity. Condition Monitoring, diagnostics and selection of efficient preventive or corrective actions is a task that often requires a high degree of expertise. This expertise is often gained through sometimes very expensive mistakes and can take many years to acquire leading to a few skilled experts. When they are not available due to changes in staff or retirements the company often faces serious problems that may be very expensive, e.g. leading to a reduced productivity.If some deviation occurs in a machine, a fault report is often written; an engineer makes a diagnosis and may order spare parts to repair the machine. Fault report, spare parts, required time and statistics on performance after repair are often stored in different databases but so far not systematically reused. In this paper we present a Case-Based experience sharing system that enables reuse of experience in a more efficient way compared with what is mostly practiced in industry today. The system uses Case-Based-Reasoning (CBR) and limited Natural Language Processing. An important aspect of the experience management tool is that it is user-friendly and web-based to promote efficient experience sharing. The system should be able to handle both experiences that are only in house as well as sharing experience with other industries when there is no conflicting interest. Such a CBR based tool enables efficient experience gathering, management and reuse in production industries. The tool will facilitate the users with an interactive environment to communicate with each other for sharing their experiences. Depend on the user; the security level of the system will be varied to share knowledge among the collaborating companies.The system identifies the most relevant experiences to assess and resolve the current situation. The experience is stored and retrieved as a case in the collaborative space where experience from various companies may have been stored under many years. Reusing experience and avoiding expensive mistakes will increase the participating companiesâ competitiveness and also transfer valuable experience to their employees. One of the benefits is also the opportunity and facility to identify people with similar tasks and problems at different companies and enable them to share their experience, e.g. if a technician has solved a similar problem recently and is in the near, the most efficient solution may be to call the expert and ask for assistance. In future, one may access this tool through his/her mobile device via wireless or mobile communications using Global Positioning System, GPS, enables the system to suggest experts nearby, willing and able to share the knowledge and quickly assist in resolve the problem.
author = {Mobyen Uddin Ahmed and Ella Olsson and Peter Funk and Ning Xiong},
title = {Efficient Condition Monitoring and Diagnosis Using a Case-Based Experience Sharing System},
editor = {Ana CV Vieira et al},
pages = {305--314},
month = {June},
year = {2007},
booktitle = {20th International Congress and Exhibition on Condition Monitoring and Diagnostics Engineering Management, COMADEM 2007},
publisher = {IT-Instituto de Telecomunicacoes},
url = {}