
Type: Date:

Number of publications matching the search criterion: 3

Conference/Workshop Paper (2)

FP-SLIC: A Fully-Pipelined FPGA Implementation of Superpixel Image Segmentation (Jan 2023)
Adnan Ghaderi, Carl Ahlberg, Fredrik Ekstrand, Mikael Ekström
25th Euromicro Conference on Digital System Design (DSD) (DSD 2022)

Design Challenges in Hardware Development of Time-Sensitive Networking: A Research Plan
Adnan Ghaderi, Masoud Daneshtalab, Mohammad Ashjaei, Mohammad Loni, Saad Mubeen, Mikael Sjödin
Proceedings of the Cyber-Physical Systems PhD Workshop 2019, "Designing Cyber-Physical Systems " (CPSWS19)

Manuscript (1)

Analysis of Fault Tolerant Multi-stage Switch Architecture for TSN (Sep 2020)
Adnan Ghaderi

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