
Type: Date:

Number of publications matching the search criterion: 12

Journal article (6)

Unobtrusive Cognitive Assessment in Smart-Homes: Leveraging Visual Encoding and Synthetic Movement Traces Data Mining (Feb 2024)
Samaneh Zolfaghari, Annica Kristoffersson, Mia Folke, Maria Lindén, Daniele Riboni
Sensors (MDPI Sensors)

Enhancing Kitchen Activity Recognition: A Benchmark Study of the Rostock KTA Dataset (Jan 2024)
Samaneh Zolfaghari, Teodor Stoev , Kristina Yordanova

Toward digital inclusion of older adults in e-health (Oct 2023)
Åsa Revenäs , Lars Ström , Antonio Cicchetti, Maria Ehn
Universal Access in the Information Society (UAIS)

Towards multimodal boosting of motivation for fall-preventive physical activity in seniors (Jul 2023)
Åsa Revenäs , Lars Ström , Antonio Cicchetti, Maria Ehn
Digital Health (Digital Health)

Evaluation of the content of a web tool aimed to identify early markers related to fall risk among middle-aged people (Sep 2020)
Mia Folke, Anna Åkerberg, Marina Arkkukangas , Annika Kärnsund , Mikael Johnsson
Health and Technology (--)

Estimation of the lactate threshold using an electro acoustic sensor system analyzing the respiratory (Sep 2008)
Mia Folke
Medical and Biological Engineering and Computing

Conference/Workshop Paper (5)

Users perspectives on interactive distance technology enabling home-based motor training for stroke patients (Jun 2015)
Maria Ehn, Pär Hansson, Marie Sjölinder , Inga-Lill Boman , Mia Folke, Disa Sommerfeld , Jörgen Borg
12th International Conference on Wearable Micro and Nano Technologies for Personalized Health (pHealth 2015)

Interaktiv distanslösning för motorisk träning av patienter med stroke i hemmiljö (Oct 2014)
Maria Ehn, Pär Hansson, Marie Sjölinder , Inga-Lill Boman , Mia Folke, Disa Sommerfeld , Jörgen Borg
Medicinteknikdagarna 2014 (MTD10)

A Multi-disciplinary Approach in the Development of a Stroke Rehabilitation Tool (Jun 2014)
Marie Sjölinder , Maria Ehn, Inga-Lill Boman , Mia Folke, Pär Hansson, Disa Sommerfeld , Stina Nylander, Jörgen Borg
Human-Computer Interactions International 2014 (CHI Intl 2014)

Främja fysisk aktivitet med LACTA och motiverande samtal (Oct 2010)
Mia Folke, Lotta Brangefält, Lars Cernerud , Anne Söderlund

Sensor system for rehabilitation of patients suffering from WAD (Sep 2009)
Mia Folke, Catharina Bexander , Christer Gerdtman, Anita Brodd , Maria Lindén

Article, review (1)

Sensor-based Locomotion Data Mining for Supporting the Diagnosis of Neurodegenerative Disorders: a Survey (Aug 2023)
Samaneh Zolfaghari, Sumaiya Suravee , Daniele Riboni , Kristina Yordanova
ACM Computing Surveys (CSUR)

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