Christina Björkman holds a PhD in Technoscience Studies from Blekinge Institute of Technology in 2005. Technoscience Studies is a research programme within technical faculty, with its basis in IT and gender research. Christina Björkman’s research concerns gender issues within computer science. Christina Björkman has earlier been lecturer in Computer Systems at Uppsala university since 1985, where she also participated in development and evaluation of an interdisciplinary engineering programme: the Systems in Technology and Society Programme.
Christina Björkman’s research concerns gender issues within computer science. She has been project leader for several projects in the area and is currently a member of the network “Gender, Learning and Information Technologyâ€, funded by the Knowledge Foundation’s network LearnIT, from which she currently has funding for a research project on gender and knowledge in computer science.
Women in Computing in Sweden (Mar 2008) Christina Björkman Wiley Encyclopedia of Computer Science and Engineering
Feminist Technoscience Rearranging in the Black Box of Information Technology (Mar 2007) Christina Björkman, Pirjo Elovaara , Lena Trojer Gender Designs IT. Construction and Deconstruction of Information Society Technology
Genusforskning inom teknisk fakultet: en kunskapspolitisk utmaning (Sep 2006) Elisabeth Gulbrandsen , Lena Trojer , Christina Björkman, Pirjo Elovaara Kvinnovetenskaplig Tidskrift
What does it mean to Know Computer Science? Perspectives from Gender Research (Jun 2006) Christina Björkman, Lena Trojer tripleC
Social Sciences and Humanities Engage and Motivate Engineering Students (Jun 2006) Christina Björkman, Jörgen Nissen 34th SEFI Annual Conference Engineering education and active students
Feminist Research and Computer Science: Starting a Dialogue (Oct 2005) Christina Björkman Journal of Information, Communication and Ethics in Society
Project Title | Status |
Computer Science Paradigms in Gender Research Perspective | finished |
Epistemological Issues in Computer Science Education fromGender Research Perspectives | active |
GENIUS | on-hold |
Thesis Title | Status |
HCI - En analyserande kartläggning av datavetenskapliga metaforer inom digitalisering | finished |