Interaktiva distanslösningar för genomförande och uppföljning av strokerehabilitering i hemmiljö



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With the aim to contribute to strengthened communication between caretaker-care giver and different health care professions, this project developed an ICT-based system supporting home-based stroke rehabilitation. A prototype was developed in a user-centered process and its feasibility in the post-stroke rehabilitation process was explored in a pilot study. Results from the pilot study indicates that the potential of the concept as a relevant future support for home-based rehabilitation.

First NameLast NameTitle
Mia Folke Professor
Disa Sommerfeld
Erik Lundqvist
Inga-Lill Boman Researcher
Jörgen Borg
Maria Ehn Researcher
Marie Sjölinder
Pär Hansson

[Show all publications]

An interactive distance solution for stroke rehabilitation in the home setting (Dec 2016)
Susanne Palmcrantz , Jörgen Borg , Disa Sommerfeld , Jeanette Plantin , Annelie Nilsson , Maria Ehn, Marie Sjölinder , Inga-Lill Boman
Informatics for Health and Social Care (Inf Health S C)

Users perspectives on interactive distance technology enabling home-based motor training for stroke patients (Jun 2015)
Maria Ehn, Pär Hansson, Marie Sjölinder , Inga-Lill Boman , Mia Folke, Disa Sommerfeld , Jörgen Borg
12th International Conference on Wearable Micro and Nano Technologies for Personalized Health (pHealth 2015)

A Multi-disciplinary Approach in the Development of a Stroke Rehabilitation Tool (Jun 2014)
Marie Sjölinder , Maria Ehn, Inga-Lill Boman , Mia Folke, Pär Hansson, Disa Sommerfeld , Stina Nylander, Jörgen Borg
Human-Computer Interactions International 2014 (CHI Intl 2014)

Users’ and health-care professionals’ contributions in developing a home-based stroke rehabilitation tool (Apr 2014)
Inga-Lill Boman , Maria Ehn, Marie Sjölinder , Mia Folke, Pär Hansson, Disa Sommerfeld , Jörgen Borg
8th World Congress for Neurorehabilitation (WCNR2014)

Ny teknik öppnar nya vägar inom neurorehabilitering (Jan 2014) (Jan 2014)
Jeanette Plantin , Annelie Nilsson , Påvel Lindberg , Katarina Skough-Vreede , Inga-Lill Boman , Disa Sommerfeld , Maria Ehn, Jörgen Borg
Neurologi i Sverige (Neurol Sv)

Karolinska Institutet Academic
Microsoft Sverige Industrial
SICS Swedish ICT - the Swedish institute of computer science Industrial
Danderyds Sjukhus AB Municipalities and others
Danderydsgeriatriken Municipalities and others
Landstinget Västmanland Municipalities and others
Länsstyrelsen Västmanland Municipalities and others
Örebro City Council Municipalities and others
Örebro läns landsting Municipalities and others
Regionförbundet Örebro Municipalities and others
SLL Innovation Municipalities and others
Strokeförbundet Municipalities and others
Västerås Stad Municipalities and others
World Stroke Organization Municipalities and others

Erik Lundqvist,


Maria Ehn, Researcher

Room: U1-081
Phone: 021-10 70 93