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Efficient System-Level Testing of Embedded Real-Time Software


Publication Type:

Conference/Workshop Paper


17th Euromicro Conference on Real-Time Systems


When developing complex embedded applications, the software is often built in the form of subsystems or components, which are later integrated and assembled to a full system. Throughout all stages of development and assembly, software testing is performed. On unit- or componentlevel, the structure and run-time properties of the software can fairly easily be predicted. This enables a thorough testing based on the structure of the software (as well as testing based on the intended functionality of the software). However, in the later stages of the assembly process, the structure of the software becomes more complex and less obvious. Hence, the developers are forced to base their testing solely on the intended functionality of the software, leading to a reduced testing-induced quality assurance. At the same time, bugs found in the later stages of testing (i.e., integration- and system-level testing) are significantly more costly to correct. Using dynamic and static information of the software, this situation can be significantly improved. This paper outlines a framework for more efficient system-level testing of real-time software for embedded applications.


author = {Daniel Sundmark and Anders Pettersson and Sigrid Eldh and Mathias Ekman and Henrik Thane},
title = {Efficient System-Level Testing of Embedded Real-Time Software},
editor = {Isabelle Puaut},
pages = {53--56},
month = {July},
year = {2005},
booktitle = {Work-in-Progress Session of the 17th Eurmicro Conference on Real-Time Systems},
url = {}