Adapting to Varying Demands in Resource Constrained Real-Time Devices (Sep 2005) Tomas Lennvall
Handling Aperiodic Tasks and Overload in Distributed Off-line Scheduled Real-Time Systems (May 2003) Tomas Lennvall
Book chapter in Industrial Wireless Sensor Networks: Applications, Protocols, Standards, and Products: Design Challenges and Objectives in Industrial Wireless Sensor Networks (Apr 2013) Johan Åkerberg, Mikael Gidlund , Tomas Lennvall, Krister Landernäs, Mats Björkman
Book chapter in Industrial Wireless Sensor Networks: Applications, Protocols, Standards, and Products: Industrial WSN Standards (Apr 2013) Tomas Lennvall, Krister Landernäs, Mikael Gidlund , Johan Åkerberg
A Component Based Real-time Scheduling Architecture (Jan 2003) Gerhard Fohler, Tomas Lennvall, Radu Dobrin Architectures for Dependable Systems
Efficient Integration of Secure and Safety Critical Industrial Wireless Sensor Networks (Nov 2011) Johan Åkerberg, Mikael Gidlund , Tomas Lennvall, Jonas Neander, Mats Björkman EURASIP Journal on Wireless Communications and Networking
A Flexible Task Design for Industrial Embedded Systems (Nov 2020) Niclas Ericsson, Johan Åkerberg, Mats Björkman, Tomas Lennvall, Stig Larsson , Hongyu Pei-Breivold 46th Annual Conference of the IEEE Industrial Electronics Society (IECON 2020)
Challenges when bringing IoT into industrial automation (Sep 2017) Tomas Lennvall, Mikael Gidlund , Johan Åkerberg AFRICON (AFRICON)
Custom simulation of Industrial Wireless Sensor and Actuator Network for improved efficiency during Research and Development (Sep 2017) Niclas Ericsson, Tomas Lennvall, Johan Åkerberg, Mats Björkman International Conference on Emerging Technologies And Factory Automation (ETFA'17)
A Flexible Communication Stack Design for Time Sensitive Embedded Systems (Mar 2017) Niclas Ericsson, Tomas Lennvall, Johan Åkerberg, Mats Björkman IEEE International Conference on Industrial Technology (ICIT 2017)
Will 5G become yet another wireless technology for industrial automation? (Mar 2017) Mikael Gidlund , Tomas Lennvall, Johan Åkerberg IEEE International Conference on Industrial Technology (ICIT 2017)
Challenges from research to deployment of Industrial Distributed Control Systems (Jul 2016) Niclas Ericsson, Tomas Lennvall, Johan Åkerberg, Mats Björkman 14th International Conference on Industrial Informatics (INDIN 2016)
A new wireless sensor network TDMA timing synchronization protocol (Jul 2016) Tomas Lennvall, Johan Åkerberg, Ewa Hansen, Kan Yu 14th International Conference on Industrial Informatics (INDIN 2016)
Deterministic Downlink Transmission in WirelessHART Networks enabling Wireless Control Applications (Nov 2010) Johan Åkerberg, Mikael Gidlund , Jonas Neander, Tomas Lennvall, Mats Björkman The 36th Annual Conference of the IEEE Industrial Electronics Society (IECON)
Integration of WirelessHART Networks in Distributed Control Systems using PROFINET IO (Jul 2010) Johan Åkerberg, Mikael Gidlund , Tomas Lennvall, Jonas Neander, Mats Björkman 8th IEEE International Conference on Industrial Informatics (INDIN)
Wireless Vibration Monitoring (WiVib) - An Industrial Case Study (Sep 2007) Jonas Neander, Mikael Sjödin, Mats Björkman, Tomas Lennvall, Stefan Svensson 12th IEEE Conference on Emerging Technologies and Factory Automation
FSF: A Real-Time Scheduling Architecture Framework (Apr 2005) Gerhard Fohler, Radu Dobrin, Tomas Lennvall 12th IEEE Real-Time and Embedded Technology and Applications Symposium
Providing Adaptive QoS in Wireless Networks by Traffic Shaping (Mar 2005) Tomas Lennvall, Gerhard Fohler Resource management for media processing in networked embedded systems (RM4NES)
Enhancing Time Triggered Scheduling with Value Based Overload Handling and Task Migration (May 2003) Jan Carlson, Tomas Lennvall, Gerhard Fohler 6th IEEE International Symposium on Object-oriented Real-time distributed Computing
Handling Aperiodic Tasks in Diverse Real-Time Systems via Plug-Ins (May 2002) Tomas Lennvall, Gerhard Fohler, Björn Lindberg 5th IEEE International Symposium on Object-oriented Real-time distributed Computing
SALSART - A Web Based Cooperative Environment for Offline Real-time Schedule Design (Jan 2002) Gerhard Fohler, Damir Isovic, Tomas Lennvall, Roger Vuolle Proceedings of the 10th International Euromicro Workshop on Parallel, Distributed and Network-based Processing (PDP 02)
Improved Handling of Soft Aperiodic Tasks in Offline Scheduled Real-Time Systems using Total Bandwidth Server (Oct 2001) Gerhard Fohler, Tomas Lennvall, Giorgio Buttazzo In 8th IEEE Int. Conf. on Emerging Technologies & Factory Automation
Value Based Overload Handling of Aperiodic Tasks in Offline Scheduled Real-Time Systems (Jun 2001) Jan Carlson, Tomas Lennvall, Gerhard Fohler Work-in-progress Session, 13th Euromicro Conference on Real-Time Systems
Integration of off-line and on-line scheduling for admission control (Sep 2000) Tomas Lennvall
Analysis of MPEG-2 Video Streams (Aug 2002) Damir Isovic, Gerhard Fohler, Tomas Lennvall
Simulation Results and Algorithm Details for Value Based Overload Handling (May 2002) Jan Carlson, Tomas Lennvall, Gerhard Fohler
Value Based Overload Handling of Aperiodic Tasks in Distributed Offline Scheduled Real-Time Systems (May 2001) Tomas Lennvall, Jan Carlson, Gerhard Fohler
Method Of Scheduling Field Devices In A Wireless Network Of An Industrial Process System (Oct 2019) Ewa Hansen, Johan Åkerberg, Jonas Neander, Krister Landernäs, Niclas Ericsson, Tomas Lennvall