Unobtrusive Cognitive Assessment in Smart-Homes: Leveraging Visual Encoding and Synthetic Movement Traces Data Mining (Feb 2024) Samaneh Zolfaghari, Annica Kristoffersson, Mia Folke, Maria Lindén, Daniele Riboni Sensors (MDPI Sensors)
Enhancing Kitchen Activity Recognition: A Benchmark Study of the Rostock KTA Dataset (Jan 2024) Samaneh Zolfaghari, Teodor Stoev , Kristina Yordanova IEEE Access (IEEE-ACCESS)
Toward digital inclusion of older adults in e-health (Oct 2023) Åsa Revenäs , Lars Ström , Antonio Cicchetti, Maria Ehn Universal Access in the Information Society (UAIS)
Towards multimodal boosting of motivation for fall-preventive physical activity in seniors (Jul 2023) Åsa Revenäs , Lars Ström , Antonio Cicchetti, Maria Ehn Digital Health (Digital Health)
Evaluation of the content of a web tool aimed to identify early markers related to fall risk among middle-aged people (Sep 2020) Mia Folke, Anna Åkerberg, Marina Arkkukangas , Annika Kärnsund , Mikael Johnsson Health and Technology (--)
Estimation of the lactate threshold using an electro acoustic sensor system analyzing the respiratory (Sep 2008) Mia Folke Medical and Biological Engineering and Computing
Users perspectives on interactive distance technology enabling home-based motor training for stroke patients (Jun 2015) Maria Ehn, Pär Hansson, Marie Sjölinder , Inga-Lill Boman , Mia Folke, Disa Sommerfeld , Jörgen Borg 12th International Conference on Wearable Micro and Nano Technologies for Personalized Health (pHealth 2015)
Interaktiv distanslösning för motorisk träning av patienter med stroke i hemmiljö (Oct 2014) Maria Ehn, Pär Hansson, Marie Sjölinder , Inga-Lill Boman , Mia Folke, Disa Sommerfeld , Jörgen Borg Medicinteknikdagarna 2014 (MTD10)
A Multi-disciplinary Approach in the Development of a Stroke Rehabilitation Tool (Jun 2014) Marie Sjölinder , Maria Ehn, Inga-Lill Boman , Mia Folke, Pär Hansson, Disa Sommerfeld , Stina Nylander, Jörgen Borg Human-Computer Interactions International 2014 (CHI Intl 2014)
Främja fysisk aktivitet med LACTA och motiverande samtal (Oct 2010) Mia Folke, Lotta Brangefält, Lars Cernerud , Anne Söderlund
Sensor system for rehabilitation of patients suffering from WAD (Sep 2009) Mia Folke, Catharina Bexander , Christer Gerdtman, Anita Brodd , Maria Lindén Medicinteknikdagarna
Sensor-based Locomotion Data Mining for Supporting the Diagnosis of Neurodegenerative Disorders: a Survey (Aug 2023) Samaneh Zolfaghari, Sumaiya Suravee , Daniele Riboni , Kristina Yordanova ACM Computing Surveys (CSUR)