Zahra Moezkarimi, Post Doc, Postdoctoral research fellow

Zahra is a postdoctoral researcher at Mälardalen University (MDU), Västerås, Sweden. She is working on modeling and formal verification of Cyber-Physical Systems (CPS). Recently, she has expanded her research to address the unpredictability in the behavior of AI components within AI-enabled Autonomous Cyber-Physical Systems. 

I work on modeling and formal verification of Cyber-Physical Systems, with an interest in data-driven approaches. My main tool for model checking is Rebeca (Reactive Object Language), an actor-based language tailored for modeling and formal verification of reactive, concurrent, and distributed systems. I use the timed extension of Rebeca, Timed-Rebeca, and Rebeca’s user-friendly model checking tool, Afra. 

Recently, I've expanded my research to address the unpredictability in the behavior of AI components within AI-enabled Autonomous Cyber-Physical Systems.

For my PhD, I has worked on privacy policies and information leakage analysis in social networks using Process Algebra and Dynamic Epistemic Logic. My approach was general enough to be used in other domains. I used Maude to prototype my proposed framework.