Muhammad Naeem, Postdoctoral research fellow

Muhammad Naeem is a postdoctoral researcher specializing in formal methods and machine learning.

Education Background

  • Ph.D. in Computer Science, Aalborg University, Denmark, 2024
  • M.S. in Computer Science, The University of Lahore, Pakistan, 2017
  • B.S. in Electronics and Communication, The University of Lahore, Pakistan, 2013

Work Experience:

Naeem is a postdoctoral researcher at Mälardalen University, Sweden since April 2024, Focusing on the design and analysis of the Digital Twins model. Before this role, he was a PhD researcher at Aalborg University from 2019 to 2023, where he focused on formal verification and model checking of cyber-physical systems. He also served as a Course Instructor at The University of Lahore from 2017 to 2019, teaching various computer science courses and supervising student projects.


Naeem's research is problem-oriented and closely connected to real-world challenges in cyber-physical systems. He collaborates with industry partners to develop efficient verification and analysis techniques for complex systems. His research interests include:

  • Formal modeling and verification of embedded systems
  • Statistical model checking and strategy synthesis
  • Machine Learning applications in system analysis
  • Energy-efficient cyber-physical systems
  • Digital twin design and analysis

Naeem utilizes tools such as UPPAAL SMC and UPPAAL Stratego, focusing on integrating machine learning techniques with model checking to enhance scalable verification and strategy synthesis for complex systems.

Professional Affiliations and Service:

  • Supervisor for BSc Software Engineering student projects, 2020-2022
  • Reviewer for various conferences and journals in computer science¨

Naeem has published several papers in reputable conferences and journals, significantly advancing knowledge in his field. He actively participates in research initiatives and collaborations, aiming to bridge theoretical concepts with practical applications in formal methods and cyber-physical systems.

Research Area:

Muhammad naeem's research is problem-oriented and closely connected to real-world challenges in cyber-physical systems. He collaborates with industry partners to develop efficient verification and analysis techniques for complex systems. His research interests include:

  • Formal modeling and verification of embedded systems
  • Statistical model checking and strategy synthesis
  • Machine Learning applications in system analysis
  • Energy-efficient cyber-physical systems
  • Digital twin design and analysis

Naeem utilizes tools such as UPPAAL SMC and UPPAAL Stratego, focusing on integrating machine learning techniques with model checking to enhance scalable verification and strategy synthesis for complex systems.

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Latest publications:

Energy-Efficient Motion Planning for Autonomous Vehicles Using UPPAAL Stratego (Jul 2024)
Muhammad Naeem, Rong Gu, Cristina Seceleanu, Kim Guldstrand Larsen , Brian Nielsen , Michele Albano
The 18th International Symposium on Theoretical Aspects of Software Engineering (TASE2024)

A Service-Oriented Digital Twin Framework for Dynamic and Robust Distributed Systems
Rong Gu, Tiberiu Seceleanu, Ning Xiong, Muhammad Naeem
IEEE SSE 2024: IEEE International Conference on Software Services Engineering (SSE2024)