Evaluation of Dealay queues for a Ravenscar Hardware KErnel (Mar 2006) Gustaf Naeser, Kristina Lundqvist, Johan Furunäs-Åkesson Workshop on Unique Chips and Systems UCAS-2
Temporal Skeletons for Verifying Time (Nov 2005) Gustaf Naeser, Kristina Lundqvist, Lars Asplund ACM SIGAda Letters
Transforming Temporal Skeletons to Timed Automata (Aug 2005) Gustaf Naeser
A Real-Time Kernel for Ravenscar (Aug 2005) Gustaf Naeser
Component-based Approaches to Run-Time Kernel Specification and Verification (Jul 2005) Gustaf Naeser, Kristina Lundqvist 17th Euromicro Conference on Real-Time Systems ECRTS05
Evaluation of Delay Queues for a Ravenscar Hardware Kernel (Apr 2005) Gustaf Naeser, Johan Furunäs-Åkesson