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Trajectory tracking and stabilisation of a riderless bicycle


Publication Type:

Conference/Workshop Paper


24th IEEE International Conference on Intelligent Transportation




Trajectory tracking for an autonomous bicycle is considered in this paper. The trajectory tracking controller is designed using a Model Predictive Controller with constraints on the lean, steer, and heading angle as well as the position coordinates of the bicycle. The output from the trajectory tracking controller is the desired lean angle and forward velocity. Furthermore, a PID controller is designed to follow the desired lean angle by actuation of the handlebar. The proposed control strategy is evaluated in numerous simulations where a realistic nonlinear model of the bicycle is traversing a go-kart track and a short track with narrow curves. The Hausdorff distance and mean Squared Error are considered as measurements of the performance. The results show that the bicycle successfully can track desired trajectories at varying velocities.


author = {Niklas Persson and Martin Ekstr{\"o}m and Mikael Ekstr{\"o}m and Alessandro Papadopoulos},
title = {Trajectory tracking and stabilisation of a riderless bicycle},
pages = {1859--1866},
month = {September},
year = {2021},
booktitle = {24th IEEE International Conference on Intelligent Transportation},
url = {}