Engineering Automotive Electronic Systems: Decision Support for Successful Integration (Oct 2007) Joakim Fröberg
Engineering of Vehicle Electronic Systems: Requirements Reflected in Architecture (Apr 2004) Joakim Fröberg
A Comparative Case Study of Distributed Network Architectures for Different Automotive Applications (Jan 2004) Joakim Fröberg , Kristian Sandström, Christer Norström, Jakob Axelsson, Björn Villing Handbook on Information Technology in Industrial Automation
Key Factors for Achieving Project Success in Integration of Automotive Mechatronics (Mar 2007) Joakim Fröberg , Mikael Åkerholm, Kristian Sandström, Christer Norström Journal of Innovations in Systems and Software Engineering
Towards Quality Assessment in Integration of Automotive Software and Electronics: An ATAM approach (Oct 2006) Joakim Fröberg , Peter Wallin, Jakob Axelsson Proceedings of the 6th Conference on Software Engineering and Practice in Sweden, Umeå University, Umeå, Sweden
Integration of Electronic Components in Heavy Vehicles: A Study of Integration in Three Cases (Sep 2006) Joakim Fröberg , Mikael Åkerholm Proceedings from Systems Engineering/Test and Evaluation Conference, Melbourne, 25-27 September 2006
Business Situation Reflected in Automotive Electronic Architectures: Analysis of Four Commercial Cases (May 2005) Joakim Fröberg , Kristian Sandström, Christer Norström 2nd International ICSE workshop on Software Engineering for Automotive Systems, St. Louis
Correlating Business Needs and Network Architectures in Automotive Applications - a Comparative Case Study (Jul 2003) Joakim Fröberg , Kristian Sandström, Christer Norström, Hans Hansson, Jakob Axelsson, Björn Villing Proceedings of the 5th IFAC International Conference on Fieldbus Systems and their Applications (FET)
Experiences from Introducing State-of-the-art Real-Time Techniques in the Automotive Industry (Apr 2001) Christer Norström, Mikael Gustafsson , Kristian Sandström, Jukka Mäki-Turja, Nils-Erik Bånkestad Eigth IEEE International Conference and Workshop on the Engineering of Compute-Based Systems
A Comparative Case Study of Distributed Network Architectures for Different Automotive Applications (Feb 2003) Joakim Fröberg , Kristian Sandström, Christer Norström, Björn Villing , Jakob Axelsson
Correlating Bussines Needs and Network Architectures in Automotive Applications - a Comparative Case Study (Feb 2003) Joakim Fröberg , Kristian Sandström, Christer Norström, Jakob Axelsson, Björn Villing
Case Study: VCE Electronic Architecture for Real-Time Automotive Applications (Apr 2002) Joakim Fröberg