
Type: Date:

Number of publications matching the search criterion: 54 (showing 1 - 50)

Book (1)

Body Sensors and Electrocardiography (Aug 2017)
Roman Trobec, Ivan Tomasic, Aleksandra Rashkovska , Matjaž Depolli , Viktor Avbelj

Book chapter (1)

Optimized Positioning of ECG Electrodes for WSN Applications (Jun 2011)
Ivan Tomasic, Roman Trobec

Journal article (14)

Current Trends in Endodontic Clinical Practice in Croatia: A Report From a Croatian National Survey (Jan 2025)
Josipa Sović , Sanja Šegović , Jurica Matijevic , Božidar Pavelić , Ivica Anić , Ivan Tomasic
Clinical and Experimental Dental Research (CEDR)

Endodontic Continuing Education of Dental Practitioners in Croatia: A Nationwide Survey (Nov 2024)
Josipa Sović , Sanja Šegović , Jurica Matijevic , Ivan Tomasic
Open Access Macedonian Journal of Medical Sciences (OAMJMS)

Patterns of Antibiotic Prescription in Endodontic Therapy in the Republic of Croatia (Jul 2024)
Josipa Sović , Sanja Šegović , Božidar Pavelić , Ivona Bago , Ivana Šutej , Ivan Tomasic
Antibiotics (Antibiotics)

Using Patch ECG Device During Lower Third Molar Surgery (Sep 2021)
Ana Prkic , Ivan Tomasic, Antonella Lesin , Tina Becic , Danijela Kalibovic Govorko , Ivana Medvedec Mikic
International Journal of Reliable and Quality E-Healthcare (IJRQEH)

Antibiotic Administration Along with Endodontic Therapy in the Republic of Croatia: a Pilot Study (Aug 2020)
Josipa Sović , Sanja Šegović , Ivan Tomasic, Božidar Pavelić , Ivana Šutej , Ivica Anić
Acta stomatologica Croatica (Acta stom Croat)

Medical-Grade ECG Sensor for Long-Term Monitoring (Mar 2020)
Aleksandra Rashkovska , Matjaž Depolli , Ivan Tomasic, Viktor Avbelj , Roman Trobec
Sensors (Sensors)

Fasting reveals largely intact systemic lipid mobilization mechanisms in respiratory chain complex III deficient mice (Oct 2019)
Nikica Tomasic , Heike Kotarsky , Rejane de Oliveira Figueiredo , Eva Hansson , Matthias Mörgelin , Ivan Tomasic, Jukka Kallijärvi , Eskil Elmér , Matti Jauhiainen , Erik A. Eklund , Vineta Fellman
Biochimica et Biophysica Acta (BBA) - Molecular Basis of Disease (BBA - MBofD)

Continuous remote monitoring of COPD patients - Justification and explanation of the requirements and a survey of the available technologies (Mar 2018)
Ivan Tomasic, Nikica Tomasic , Roman Trobec, Miroslav Krpan , Tomislav Kelava
Medical & Biological Engineering & Computing (MBEC)

Mixed-Effect Models for the Analysis and Optimization of Sheet-Metal Assembly Processes (Feb 2017)
Ivan Tomasic, Alf Andersson , Peter Funk
IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics (IEEE-TII)

Estimating the universal positions of wireless body electrodes for measuring cardiac electrical activity (Dec 2013)
Ivan Tomasic, Sabina Frljak , Roman Trobec
IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering (TBME)

A comparison of Hadoop tools for analyzing tabular data (Jul 2013)
Ivan Tomasic, Aleksandra Rashkovska , Matjaž Depolli , Roman Trobec
Informatica (Informatica)

Electrocardiographic systems with reduced numbers of leads - synthesis of the 12-lead ECG (May 2013)
Ivan Tomasic, Roman Trobec
IEEE Reviews in Biomedical Engineering (R-BME)

Synthesis of the 12-lead electrocardiogram from differential leads (Jul 2011)
Roman Trobec, Ivan Tomasic
IEEE Transactions on Information Technology in Biomedicine (T-ITB)

Statistical simulation of particle flow across nonwoven structure (Jun 2010)
Tibor Skala , Ivan Tomasic, Nikola Mrvac
Journal for Textile and Clothing Technology (Tekstil)

Conference/Workshop Paper (38)

Respiratory Rate Estimation from a Single Lead ECG Obtained During Dental Surgery (Jul 2024)
Ivan Tomasic, Ana Prkic , Antonella Lesin , Danijela Kalibovic Govorko , Ivana Medvedec Mikic
47th International Convention on Information, Communication and Electronic Technology (MIPRO) (MIPRO 2024)

Heart Rate Variability Monitoring with Savvy ECG Sensor during Dental Surgery (Jul 2023)
Ivan Tomasic, Ana Prkic , Antonella Lesin , Danijela Kalibovic Govorko , Nikica Tomasic , Ivana Medvedec Mikic
MIPRO 2023 - 46th Convention (MIPRO 2023)

Dependability Evaluation of an Online Pupillometry-based Feedback System for Optimized Training (May 2022)
Emil Carmegren, Elaine Åstrand, Ivan Tomasic
45th Jubilee International Convention on Information, Communication and Electronic Technology (MIPRO) (MIPRO 2022)

State-Space versus Linear Regression Models between ECG Leads (Nov 2021)
Ivan Tomasic, Roman Trobec, Maria Lindén
44th International Convention on Information, Communication and Electronic Technology (MIPRO) (MIPRO 2021)

Wireless ECG device for heart rhythm monitoring during dental extractions-a pilot study (Oct 2021)
Antonella Lesin , Ivana Medvedec Mikic , Ružica Bandić , Katarina Vodanović , Ivana Vuković Kekez , Tina Becic , Ivan Tomasic, Katarina Vukojević , Danijela Kalibovic Govorko
6th International Conference on Smart and Sustainable Technologies (SpliTech) (SpliTech 2021)

Iris identification using wavelet decomposition and Gabor filter (Oct 2020)
Hannes Nitz Petterson, Jonas Rehnholm, Samuel Vikström, Martin Åslund, Elaine Åstrand, Ivan Tomasic
43rd International Convention on Information and Communication Technology, Electronics and Microelectronics (MIPRO 2020)

Using patch ECG monitors for remote health monitoring (Oct 2019)
Ivan Tomasic, Nikola Petrovic, Maria Lindén
Medicinteknikdagarna 2019 (MTD 2019)

Synthesizing 12-lead ECG from patch ECG monitors (Oct 2019)
Ivan Tomasic, Maria Lindén
Medicinteknikdagarna 2019 (MTD 2019)

New work on radiofrequency electric and electromagnetic leakage hazards for operators safety assessments (Oct 2019)
Per Olov Risman, Nikola Petrovic, Ivan Tomasic, Maria Lindén
Medicinteknikdagarna 2019 (MTD 2019)

An estimation of current trends in using endometers, magnification and rubber dam in endondontic practice in Croatia (Sep 2019)
Josipa Sović , Sanja Šegović , Ivan Tomasic, Nada Galić , Božidar Pavelić
19th Biennial Congress of the European Society of Endodontology (19th ESEBC)

Comparison of publicly available beat detection algorithms performances on the ECGs obtained by a patch ECG device (Jul 2019)
Ivan Tomasic, Nikola Petrovic, Maria Lindén, Aleksandra Rashkovska
42nd International Convention on Information and Communication Technology, Electronics and Microelectronics (MIPRO 2019)

Detection and Treatment of Atrial Irregular Rhythm with Body Gadgets and 35-channel ECG (Jul 2019)
Roman Trobec, Matevz Jan , Maria Lindén, Ivan Tomasic
42nd International Convention on Information and Communication Technology, Electronics and Microelectronics (MIPRO 2019)

Detection of Human Bodypart Abnormalities by Microwaves – A New Approach (May 2019)
Nikola Petrovic, Ivan Tomasic, Maria Lindén, Per Olov Risman
42nd International Convention on Information and Communication Technology, Electronics and Microelectronics (MIPRO 2019)

Evaluation of performing endodontic treatment procedures in dental offices in Croatia (Mar 2019)
Josipa Sović , Sanja Šegović , Ivan Tomasic
5th International Congress of the School of Dental Medicine University of Zagreb (Acta Stom Croat)

IPv6 connectivity in eHealth IoT networks (Oct 2018)
Hossein Fotouhi, Maryam Vahabi, Ivan Tomasic, Nikola Petrovic, Mats Björkman, Maria Lindén
Medicinteknikdagarna 2018 (MTD 2018)

IoT enabled monitoring of patients’ environmental parameters supported by OpenWSN, OpenMote, and relational databases (Oct 2018)
Ivan Tomasic, Nikola Petrovic, Hossein Fotouhi, Mats Björkman, Maria Lindén
Medicinteknikdagarna 2018 (MTD 2018)

Enabling IoT based monitoring of patients' environmental parameters: Experiences from using OpenMote with OpenWSN and Contiki-NG (Jul 2018)
Ivan Tomasic, Kamelia Khosraviani , Peter Rosengren , Magnus Jörntén-Karlsson , Maria Lindén
41st International Convention on Information and Communication Technology, Electronics and Microelectronics (MIPRO (2018))

The Implications of the Lead Theory on the Patch ECG Devices Positioning and Measurement (May 2018)
Ivan Tomasic, Aleksandra Rashkovska , Roman Trobec, Maria Lindén
World Congress on Medical Physics and Biomedical Engineering (IUPESM 2018)

Run-Time Assurance for the E-care@home System (Nov 2017)
Mobyen Uddin Ahmed, Hossein Fotouhi, Uwe Köckemann , Maria Lindén, Ivan Tomasic, Nicolas Tsiftes , Thiemo Voigt
4th EAI International Conference on IoT Technologies for HealthCare (HealthyIoT'17)

A Heterogeneous IoT-based Architecture for Remote Monitoring of Physiological and Environmental Parameters (Oct 2017)
Gordana Garsašević , Hossein Fotouhi, Ivan Tomasic, Maryam Vahabi, Mats Björkman, Maria Lindén
4th EAI International Conference on IoT Technologies for HealthCare (HealthyIoT'17)

Continuous monitoring of COPD patients (Oct 2017)
Ivan Tomasic, Kamelia Khosraviani , Peter Rosengren , Magnus Jörntén-Karlsson
Medicinteknikdagarna 2017 (MTD 2017)

A remote health monitoring system featuring relational databases (Oct 2017)
Nikola Petrovic, Hossein Fotouhi, Ivan Tomasic, Mats Björkman, Maria Lindén
Medicinteknikdagarna 2017 (MTD 2017)

Data Flow and Collection for Remote Patients Monitoring: From Wireless Sensors through a Relational Database to a Web interface in Real Time (Jun 2017)
Ivan Tomasic, Nikola Petrovic, Hossein Fotouhi, Maria Lindén, Mats Björkman
Joint Conference of the European Medical and Biological Engineering Conference (EMBEC) and the Nordic-Baltic Conference on Biomedical Engineering and Medical Physics (NBC) (EMBEC & NBC 2017)

System for Mobile Monitoring of Vital Functions and Environmental Context (Jan 2017)
Roman Trobec, Viktor Avbelj , Uros Stanic , Matjaž Depolli , Aleksandra Rashkovska , Ivan Tomasic, Tomaz Krištofelc , Klemen Bregar , Gregor Kosec
Procedia Technology (Proc. Technol.)

Sources of Variation Analysis in Fixtures for Sheet Metal Assembly Process (Oct 2016)
Ivan Tomasic, Ilker Erdem , Hamidur Rahman, Alf Andersson , Peter Funk
Swedish Production Symposium 2016 (SPS 2016)

Can the Regression Trees Be Used to Model Relation Between ECG Leads? (Nov 2015)
Ivan Tomasic, Roman Trobec, Maria Lindén
2nd EAI International Conference on IoT Technologies for HealthCare (HealthyIoT'15)

Impact of electrode misplacement on the accuracy of 12-lead ECG synthesized from differential leads (Jun 2015)
Ivan Tomasic, Roman Trobec, Aleksandra Rashkovska , Maria Lindén
The 38th international convention on information and communication technology, electronics and microelectronics (MIPRO 2015)

Smart Wireless Sensor for Physiological Monitoring (May 2015)
Ivan Tomasic, Viktor Avbelj , Roman Trobec
12th International Conference on Wearable Micro and Nano Technologies for Personalized Health (pHealth 2015)

Potential synergies between case-based reasoning and regression analysis in assembly processes (Sep 2014)
Ivan Tomasic, Peter Funk
Workshop on Synergies between CBR and Data Mining at 22nd International Conference on Case-Based Reasoning (CBRDM'14)

Automating a car production line adjustments by using case-based reasoning (Sep 2014)
Ivan Tomasic, Alf Andersson , Peter Funk
Swedish Production Symposium 2014 (SPS 2014)

Principal component analysis of differential electrocardiographic leads - A contribution to the synthesis of ECGs (Nov 2013)
Ivan Tomasic, Roman Trobec, Ratko Magjarević
ICHI: International Federation of Medical and Biological Engineering Proceedings (ICHI: IFMBE Proc)

Using Hadoop MapReduce in a multicluster environment (May 2013)
Ivan Tomasic, Aleksandra Rashkovska , Matjaž Depolli
The 36th international convention on information and communication technology, electronics and microelectronics (MIPRO 2013)

Multicluster Hadoop distributed file system (May 2012)
Ivan Tomasic, Janez Ugovsek , Aleksandra Rashkovska , Roman Trobec
The 35th international convention on information and communication technology, electronics and microelectronics (MIPRO 2012)

Remote monitoring of vital functions - Proof-of-concept system (May 2012)
Aleksandra Rashkovska , Ivan Tomasic, Klemen Bregar , Roman Trobec
The 35th international convention on information and communication technology, electronics and microelectronics (MIPRO 2012)

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