Hierarchical scheduling for predictable execution of real-time software components and legacy systems (Dec 2014) Rafia Inam
Predictable integration and reuse of executable real-time components (May 2014) Rafia Inam, Jan Carlson, Mikael Sjödin, Jiří Kunčar Journal of Systems and Software (JSS)
Multi-core Composability in the Face of Memory Bus Contention (Oct 2013) Moris Behnam, Rafia Inam, Thomas Nolte, Mikael Sjödin ACM SIGBED Review. Special Issue on 5th Workshop on Compositional Theory and Technology for Real-Time Embedded Systems (CRTS 2012) (SIGBED REVIEW)
Compositional Analysis for the Multi-Resource Server (Sep 2015) Rafia Inam, Moris Behnam, Thomas Nolte, Mikael Sjödin 20th IEEE International Conference on Emerging Technologies and Factory Automation (ETFA'15)
Towards improved dynamic reallocation of real-time workloads for thermal management on many-cores (Dec 2014) Rafia Inam, Matthias Becker, Moris Behnam, Thomas Nolte, Mikael Sjödin IEEE Real-Time Systems Symposium Work-in-Progress (WiP) session (RTSS'14)
Worst Case Delay Analysis of a DRAM Memory Request for COTS Multicore Architectures (Nov 2014) Rafia Inam, Moris Behnam, Mikael Sjödin Seventh Swedish Workshop on Multicore Computing (MCC'14)
Formalization and verification of mode changes in hierarchical scheduling (Oct 2014) Hang Yin, Rafia Inam, Reinder J. Bril, Mikael Sjödin 26th Nordic Workshop on Programming Theory (NWPT'14)
Combating Unpredictability in Multicores through the Multi-Resource Server (Sep 2014) Rafia Inam, Mikael Sjödin Workshop on Virtualization for Real-Time Embedded Systems (VtRES'14)
Performance Preservation using Servers for Predictable Execution and Integration (Jul 2014) Rafia Inam The 38th Annual International Computers, Software & Applications Conference (COMPSAC 2014)
The Multi-Resource Server for Predictable Execution on Multi-core Platforms Rafia Inam, Nesredin Mahmud, Moris Behnam, Thomas Nolte, Mikael Sjödin 20th IEEE Real-Time and Embedded Technology and Applications Symposium (RTAS'14)
Mode-Change Mechanisms support for Hierarchical FreeRTOS Implementation (Sep 2013) Rafia Inam, Mikael Sjödin, Reinder J. Bril 18th IEEE International Conference on Emerging Technologies & Factory Automation (ETFA'13)
Towards Implementing Multi-resource Server on Multi-core Linux Platform (Sep 2013) Rafia Inam, Joris Slatman, Moris Behnam, Mikael Sjödin, Thomas Nolte 18th IEEE International Conference on Emerging Technologies and Factory Automation (ETFA 13)
Resource Sharing under Server-based Multiprocessor Scheduling (Dec 2012) Sara Afshar, Moris Behnam 33rd IEEE Real-Time Systems Symposium (RTSS'12)
Monitoring Capabilities of Schedulers in Model-Driven Development of Real-Time Systems (Sep 2012) Mehrdad Saadatmand, Mikael Sjödin, Naveed Ul Mustafa 17th IEEE International Conference on Emerging Technologies & Factory Automation (ETFA 2012)
Bandwidth Measurement using Performance Counters for Predictable Multicore Software (Sep 2012) Rafia Inam, Mikael Sjödin, Marcus Jägemar 17th IEEE International Conference on Emerging Technologies and Factory Automation (ETFA12), WiP
Implementing Hierarchical Scheduling to support Multi-Mode System (Jun 2012) Rafia Inam, Mikael Sjödin, Reinder J. Bril 7th IEEE International Symposium on Industrial Embedded Systems (SIES12), WiP
Support for Legacy Real-Time Applications in an HSF-Enabled FreeRTOS - a technical report (Nov 2014) Rafia Inam, Moris Behnam, Mikael Sjödin
Worst Case Delay Analysis of a DRAM Memory Request for COTS Multicore Architectures - A technical report (Oct 2014) Rafia Inam, Moris Behnam, Mikael Sjödin
Formalization and verification of mode changes in hierarchical scheduling---An extended report (Sep 2014) Hang Yin, Rafia Inam, Reinder J. Bril, Mikael Sjödin
Compositional analysis for the multi-resource server - a technical report. (Sep 2014) Rafia Inam, Moris Behnam, Thomas Nolte, Mikael Sjödin