Luis Almeida, Visiting Professor (not working at IDT anymore)

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Latest publications:

Analyzing the Efficiency of Sporadic Reservations on Ethernet with FTT-SE (Sep 2017)
Zahid Iqbal , Luis Almeida, Mohammad Ashjaei
International Conference on Emerging Technologies And Factory Automation (ETFA'17)

Designing End-to-end Resource Reservations in Predictable Distributed Embedded Systems (Jun 2017)
Mohammad Ashjaei, Nima Khalilzad, Saad Mubeen, Moris Behnam, Ingo Sander , Luis Almeida, Thomas Nolte
Real-Time Systems (RTSJ)

DoTHa - A Double-threshold Hand-off Algorithm for Managing Mobility in Wireless Mesh Networks (Sep 2016)
Jesus Aisa , Hossein Fotouhi, Luis Almeida, José Luis Villarroel
21st IEEE Conference on Emerging Technologies and Factory Automation (ETFA'16)

A First Performance Analysis of the Admission Control in the HaRTES Ethernet Switch (Sep 2016)
Ines Alvarez, Mladen Knezic , Luis Almeida, Julián Proenza
21st IEEE international conference on Emerging Technologies and Factory Automation (ETFA2016)

End-to-end Resource Reservations in Distributed Embedded Systems (Aug 2016)
Mohammad Ashjaei, Saad Mubeen, Moris Behnam, Luis Almeida, Thomas Nolte
The 22th IEEE International Conference on Embedded and Real-Time Computing Systems and Applications (RTCSA'16)

Improved Message Forwarding for Multi-Hop HaRTES Real-Time Ethernet Networks (Jul 2016)
Mohammad Ashjaei, Luis Silva , Moris Behnam, Paulo Pedreiras , Reinder J. Bril, Luis Almeida, Thomas Nolte
Journal of Signal Processing Systems (JSPS)