
Type: Date:

Number of publications matching the search criterion: 60 (showing 1 - 50)

Doctoral Thesis (1)

Unmasking fault tolerance (Feb 2014)
Nils Müllner

Book chapter (1)

Fuzzy adaptive tuning of a particle swarm optimization algorithm for variable-strength combinatorial test suite generation (Jul 2018)
Kamal Zamli , Bestoun Ahmed , Thair Mahmoud , Wasif Afzal

Journal article (15)

On transforming model-based tests into code: A systematic literature review (Sep 2023)
Fabiano C. Ferrari , Vinicius H. S. Durelli , Sten F. Andler, Jeff Offutt, Mehrdad Saadatmand, Nils Müllner
Software Testing, Verification, and Reliability (STVR)

Information Flow in Software Testing -- An Interview Study with Embedded Software Engineering Practitioners (Apr 2019)
Per Erik Strandberg, Eduard Paul Enoiu, Wasif Afzal, Daniel Sundmark, Robert Feldt
Journal of IEEE Access (IEEE-Access)

A 2-layer Component-based Allocation for Embedded Systems with GPUs (Jan 2019)
Gabriel Campeanu, Mehrdad Saadatmand
Designs Journal (Designs)

The MegaM@Rt2 ECSEL Project MegaModelling at Runtime (May 2018)
Wasif Afzal, Hugo Bruneliere , Davide Di Ruscio , Andrey Sadovykh , Silvia Mazzini , Eric Cariou , Dragos Truscan , Jordi Cabot , Abel Gomez , Yosu Gorronogoitia , Luigi Pomante , Pavel Smrz
Microprocessors and Microsystems (MICPRO)

A Traffic Aware Segment-based Routing protocol for VANETs in urban scenarios (May 2018)
Saifullah Khan , Muhammad Alam , Martin Fränzle , Nils Müllner, Yuanfang Chen
Computers & Electrical Engineering (CAEE)

Group development and group maturity when building agile teams: A qualitative and quantitative investigation at eight large companies (Dec 2017)
Lucas Gren , Richard Torkar, Robert Feldt
Journal of Systems and Software (JSS)

Handling Constraints in Combinatorial Interaction Testing in the Presence of Multi Objective Particle Swarm and Multithreading (Apr 2017)
Bestoun Ahmed , Luca Gambardella , Wasif Afzal, Kamal Zamli
Information and Software Technology (2017) (IST)

Using mutation to design tests for aspect-oriented models (Jan 2017)
Birgitta Lindström, Jeff Offutt, Daniel Sundmark, Sten F. Andler, Paul Pettersson
Information and Software Technology (IST)

Full modification coverage through automatic similarity-based test case selection (Dec 2016)
Francisco Gomes de Oliveira Neto , Richard Torkar, Patricia Machado
Information and Software Technology (IST)

Tester Interactivity makes a Difference in Search-Based Software Testing: A Controlled Experiment (Dec 2016)
Bogdan Marculescu , Simon Poulding , Robert Feldt , Kai Petersen , Richard Torkar
Information and Software Technology (IST)

Early execution time-estimation through automatically generated timing models (Nov 2016)
Peter Altenbernd , Jan Gustafsson, Björn Lisper, Friedhelm Stappert
Real-Time Systems: The International Journal of Time-Critical Computing Systems (RTSJ'15)

Optimum Design of PID Controller for an Automatic Voltage Regulator System Using Combinatorial Test Design (Oct 2016)
Bestoun Ahmed , Mouayad Sahib , Luca Gambardella , Wasif Afzal, Kamal Zamli

Robustness Testing of Embedded Software Systems: An Industrial Interview Study (Mar 2016)
Daniel Sundmark, Syed Muhammad Ali Shah , Birgitta Lindström, Sten F. Andler
Journal of IEEE Access (IEEE-Access)

Combining decomposition and reduction for state space analysis of a self-stabilizing system (Nov 2013)
Nils Müllner, Oliver Theel , Martin Fränzle
Journal of Computer and System Sciences (JCSS)

Transferring Interactive Search-Based Software Testing to Industry
Bogdan Marculescu , Robert Feldt , Richard Torkar, Simon Poulding
Journal of Systems and Software (JSS)

Conference/Workshop Paper (41)

IntegrationDistiller: Automating Integration Analysis and Testing of Object-Oriented Applications (Feb 2019)
Mehrdad Saadatmand
20th IEEE International Conference on Industrial Technology (ICIT 2019)

Interfacing a Brake-by-Wire Simulink Model with SUMO (Dec 2018)
Erik Martin Campana , Nils Müllner, Saad Mubeen
2018 International Conference on Intelligent and Innovative Computing Applications (ICONIC2018)

Decision Making and Visualizations Based on Test Results (Oct 2018)
Per Erik Strandberg, Wasif Afzal, Daniel Sundmark
Empirical Software Engineering and Measurement, 12th International Symposium on (ESEM18)

Message from the ITEQS 2018 Workshop Chairs (Aug 2018)
Mehrdad Saadatmand, Birgitta Lindström, Bernhard K. Aichernig
ICST Workshop on Testing Extra-Functional Properties and Quality Characteristics of Software Systems (ITEQS'18)

Functional Dependency Detection for Integration Test Cases (Jul 2018)
Sahar Tahvili, Marcus Ahlberg , Eric Fornander , Wasif Afzal, Mehrdad Saadatmand, Markus Bohlin, Mahdi Sarabi
The 18th IEEE International Conference on Software Quality, Reliability and Security (QRS18)

Cluster-Based Test Scheduling Strategies Using Semantic Relationships between Test Specifications (Jun 2018)
Sahar Tahvili, Leo Hatvani, Michael Felderer , Wasif Afzal, Mehrdad Saadatmand, Markus Bohlin
5th International Workshop on Requirements Engineering and Testing (RET'18)

Adaptive Runtime Response Time Control in PLC-based Real-Time Systems using Reinforcement Learning (May 2018)
Mahshid Helali Moghadam, Mehrdad Saadatmand, Markus Borg , Markus Bohlin, Björn Lisper
13th International Symposium on Software Engineering for Adaptive and Self-Managing Systems (SEAMS 18)

Learning-based Response Time Analysis in Real-Time Embedded Systems: A Simulation-based Approach (May 2018)
Mahshid Helali Moghadam, Mehrdad Saadatmand, Markus Borg , Markus Bohlin, Björn Lisper
1st International Workshop on Software Qualities and their Dependencies, located at the International Conference of Software Engineering (ICSE) 2018 (SQUADE'18)

Learning-Based Self-Adaptive Assurance of Timing Properties in a Real-Time Embedded System (Apr 2018)
Mahshid Helali Moghadam, Mehrdad Saadatmand, Markus Borg , Markus Bohlin, Björn Lisper
ICST Workshop on Testing Extra-Functional Properties and Quality Characteristics of Software Systems (ITEQS'18)

A Testability Analysis Framework for Non-Functional Properties (Apr 2018)
Michael Felderer , Bogdan Marculescu , Francisco Gomes de Oliveira Neto , Robert Feldt , Richard Torkar
ICST Workshop on Testing Extra-Functional Properties and Quality Characteristics of Software Systems (ITEQS'18)

Comparing Automated Visual GUI Testing Tools: An Industrial Case Study (Sep 2017)
Vahid Garousi , Wasif Afzal, Adem Çağlar , İhsan Berk Işık , Berker Baydan , Seçkin Çaylak , Ahmet Zeki Boyraz , Burak Yolaçan , Kadir Herkiloğlu
The 8th ACM SIGSOFT International Workshop on Automating TEST Case Design, Selection, and Evaluation (A-TEST'17)

Towards Execution Time Prediction for Test Cases from Test Specification (Aug 2017)
Sahar Tahvili, Mehrdad Saadatmand, Markus Bohlin, Wasif Afzal, Sharvathul Hasan Ameerjan
43rd Euromicro Conference on Software Engineering and Advanced Applications (SEAA'17)

Towards Automating Integration Testing of .NET Applications using Roslyn (Jul 2017)
Mehrdad Saadatmand
The 2017 IEEE International Conference on Software Quality, Reliability and Security (QRS 2017)

Message from the ITEQS 2017 Chairs (Mar 2017)
Mehrdad Saadatmand, Birgitta Lindström, Markus Bohlin
ICST workshop on Testing Extra-Functional Properties and Quality Characteristics of Software Systems (ITEQS'17)

A Short Report from an Experiment on Improving Functional Test Coverage Maximization in the Automotive Industry (Mar 2017)
Rashid Darwish , Lynnie Nakyanzi Gwosuta , Richard Torkar
International Conference on Software Testing, Verification and Validation (ICST 2017)

Simulation-Based Safety Testing Brake-By-Wire (Mar 2017)
Nils Müllner, Saifullah Khan , Md Habibur Rahman , Wasif Afzal, Mehrdad Saadatmand
ICST workshop on Testing Extra-Functional Properties and Quality Characteristics of Software Systems (ITEQS'17)

Targeted Mutation: Efficient Mutation Analysis for Testing Non-Functional Properties (Mar 2017)
Björn Lisper, Birgitta Lindström, Pasqualina Potena, Mehrdad Saadatmand, Markus Bohlin
ICST workshop on Testing Extra-Functional Properties and Quality Characteristics of Software Systems (ITEQS'17)

A Comparative Study of Manual and Automated Testing for Industrial Control Software (Mar 2017)
Eduard Paul Enoiu, Adnan Causevic, Daniel Sundmark, Paul Pettersson
International Conference on Software Testing, Verification and Validation (ICST 2017)

Cost-Benefit Analysis of Using Dependency Knowledge at Integration Testing (Nov 2016)
Sahar Tahvili, Markus Bohlin, Mehrdad Saadatmand, Stig Larsson , Wasif Afzal, Daniel Sundmark
The 17th International Conference On Product-Focused Software Process Improvement (PROFES'16)

Experience Report: Automated System Level Regression Test Prioritization Using Multiple Factors (Oct 2016) -- Best Paper Award--
Per Erik Strandberg, Daniel Sundmark, Wasif Afzal, Thomas Ostrand, Elaine Weyuker
27th International Symposium on Software Reliability Engineering (ISSRE'16)

Mutation-Based Test Generation for PLC Embedded Software using Model Checking (Oct 2016) -- Best Paper Award--
Eduard Paul Enoiu, Daniel Sundmark, Adnan Causevic, Robert Feldt , Paul Pettersson
The International Conference on Testing Software and Systems (ICTSS)

Enhanced PCB Based Slicing (Jun 2016)
Husni Khanfar, Björn Lisper
Fifth International Valentin Turchin Workshop on Metacomputation (META 2016 )

Towards Earlier Fault Detection by Value-Driven Prioritization of Test Cases Using Fuzzy TOPSIS (Apr 2016)
Sahar Tahvili, Wasif Afzal, Mehrdad Saadatmand, Markus Bohlin, Daniel Sundmark, Stig Larsson
13th International Conference on Information Technology : New Generations (ITNG 2016) (ITNG'16)

Dynamic Integration Test Selection Based on Test Case Dependencies (Apr 2016)
Sahar Tahvili, Mehrdad Saadatmand, Stig Larsson , Wasif Afzal, Markus Bohlin, Daniel Sundmark
The 11th Workshop on Testing: Academia-Industry Collaboration, Practice and Research Techniques (TAIC PART 2016)

A Controlled Experiment in Testing of Safety-Critical Embedded Software (Apr 2016)
Eduard Paul Enoiu, Adnan Causevic, Daniel Sundmark, Paul Pettersson
IEEE International Conference on Software Testing, Verification and Validation (ICST)

Testability and software performance: A systematic mapping study (Apr 2016)
Mohammad Mahdi Hassan, Wasif Afzal, Birgitta Lindström, Syed Muhammad Ali Shah , Sten F. Andler, Martin Blom
31st ACM Symposium on Applied Computing (SAC'16)

Cooperation and Network Coding based MAC Protocol for VANETs (Dec 2015)
Saifullah Khan , Muhammad Alam , Nils Müllner, Martin Fränzle
Proceedings of the 2015 IEEE Vehicular Networking Conference (VNC) (VNC2015)

Multi-Criteria Test Case Prioritization Using Fuzzy Analytic Hierarchy Process (Nov 2015)
Sahar Tahvili, Mehrdad Saadatmand, Markus Bohlin
The Tenth International Conference on Software Engineering Advances (ICSEA 2015)

Group Maturity and Agility, Are They Connected? -- A Survey Study (Aug 2015)
Lucas Gren , Richard Torkar, Robert Feldt
41st Euromicro Conference on Software Engineering and Advanced Applications (SEAA15)

Offline Analysis of Independent Guarded Assertions in Automotive Integration Testing (Aug 2015)
Guillermo Rodriguez-Navas, Avenir Kobetski , Daniel Sundmark, Thomas Gustafsson

Statistical Analysis of Resource Usage of Embedded Systems Modeled in EAST-ADL (Jul 2015)
Raluca Marinescu, Eduard Paul Enoiu, Cristina Seceleanu
IEEE Computer Society Annual Symposium on VLSI (ISVLSI)

Static Backward Program Slicing for Safety Critical Systems (Jun 2015)
Husni Khanfar, Björn Lisper, Abu Naser Masud
The 20th International Conference on Reliable Software Technologies (Ada-Europe-2015)

Testability and Software Robustness: A Systematic Literature Review (May 2015)
Mohammad Mahdi Hassan, Wasif Afzal, Martin Blom, Birgitta Lindström, Sten F. Andler, Sigrid Eldh
The 41st Euromicro Conference on Software Engineering and Advanced Applications (SEAA'15)

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