An Extended Model for Multi-Criteria Software Component Allocation on a Heterogeneous Embedded Platform (Jan 2014) Ivan Svogor, Ivica Crnkovic CIT. Journal of Computing and Information Technology (CIT)
SCALL: Software Component Allocator for Heterogeneous Embedded Systems (Sep 2015) Ivan Svogor, Jan Carlson 9th European Conference on Software Architecture Workshops (ECSAW 2015)
Multi-Criteria Software Component Allocation on a Heterogeneous Platform (Jun 2013) Ivan Svogor, Ivica Crnkovic 35th IEEE International conference on Information Technology Interfaces ITI 2013
The Black Pearl: An Autonomous Underwater Vehicle (Jun 2013) Carl Ahlberg, Lars Asplund, Gabriel Campeanu, Federico Ciccozzi, Fredrik Ekstrand, Mikael Ekström, Juraj Feljan, Andreas Gustavsson, Séverine Sentilles, Ivan Svogor, Emil Segerblad