Séverine Sentilles, Senior Lecturer, Thesis Coordinator (not working at IDT anymore)

Séverine Sentilles is an Assistant Professor (Senior Lecturer) and the Thesis Coordinator at Mälaralen University, Västerås, Sweden. She received her Ph.D. degree from Mälardalen University and l'Université de Pau et des Pays de l'Adour, Pau, France as a double-degree in 2012.

Her current research interests focus on extra-functional properties in general and different aspects related to their management and use in various fields of software engineering including component-based software engineering, model-driven development, software development of embedded and real-time systems and cloud computing. She has published more than 40 refereed papers in these areas, including the article on``A classification framework for software component models'' with more than 300 citations and ``A component model for control-intensive distributed embedded systems'', which has been awarded with the ICSA 2018 Most Influential Paper award 10-years back. Séverine is also active in the organization of workshops and conferences in these areas.  

Her current research interests focus on extra-functional properties in general and different aspects related to their management and use in various fields of software engineering including component-based software engineering, model-driven development, software development of embedded and real-time systems and cloud computing. She has published more than 40 refereed papers in these areas, including her phd thesis (Ph.D. thesis.), the article on``A classification framework for software component models'' with more than 300 citations (paper) and ``A component model for control-intensive distributed embedded systems'' (paper), which has been awarded with the ICSA 2018 Most Influential Paper award 10-years back. Séverine is also active in the organization of workshops and conferences in these areas.  

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Latest publications:

Find the Way in the Jungle of Quality of Service in Industrial Cloud: A Systematic Mapping Study (Apr 2021)
Malvina Latifaj, Federico Ciccozzi, Séverine Sentilles
11th International Conference on Cloud Computing and Services Science (CLOSER 2021)

Assured Cloud Platforms for Industrial Cyber-Physical Systems: The ACICS Approach (Apr 2021)
Cristina Seceleanu, Eduard Paul Enoiu, Moris Behnam, Gabriele Capannini, Jan Carlson, Kristina Lundqvist, Séverine Sentilles
7th international Conference on the Engineering of Computer Based Systems (ECBS 2021)

Towards Evidence-based Decision-making for Identification and Usage of Assets in Composite Software: A Research Roadmap (Mar 2021)
Claes Wohlin , Efi Papatheocharous , Jan Carlson, Kai Petersen , Emil Alégroth , Jakob Axelsson, Deepika Badampudi , Markus Borg , Antonio Cicchetti, Federico Ciccozzi, Thomas Olsson , Séverine Sentilles, Mikael Svahnberg , Krzysztof Wnuk , Tony Gorschek
Journal of Software: Evolution and Process (JSEP)

A Systematic Literature Study on Definition and Modeling of Service-Level Agreements for Cloud Services in IoT (Aug 2020)
Svetlana Girs, Séverine Sentilles, Sara Abbaspour, Mohammad Ashjaei, Saad Mubeen
IEEE Access (ACCESS'20)

Component-based development of embedded systems with GPUs (Mar 2020)
Gabriel Campeanu, Jan Carlson, Séverine Sentilles
Journal of Systems and Software (JSS)

Software Qualities and their Dependencies (Jan 2020)
Séverine Sentilles, Barry Boehm , Catia Trubiani , Xavier Franch , Anne Koziolek
ACM SIGSOFT Software Engineering Notes (ACM SIGSOFT SEN)

PhD students supervised as assistant supervisor:

Gabriel Campeanu (former)