
Type: Date:

Number of publications matching the search criterion: 42

Doctoral Thesis (1)

Space Computing using COTS Heterogeneous Platforms (Nov 2021)
Nandinbaatar Tsog

Licentiate Thesis (1)

End-to-end QoS Mapping and Traffic Forwarding in Converged TSN-5G Networks (Apr 2023)
Zenepe Satka

Book chapter (1)

Hardware Acceleration for Recurrent Neural Networks (May 2020)
Sima Sinaei, Masoud Daneshtalab
Institution of Engineering and Technology (IET)

Journal article (9)

Optimizing Energy Efficiency in UPA-Assisted SWIPT Massive MIMO Systems Over Rician Fading Channels (Jan 2025)
Mohammad Hassan Adeli, Dariush Abbasi-Moghadam , Hossein Fotouhi, S. Mohammad Razavizadeh
IEEE Open Journal of the Computer Society (OJ-CS)

TALESS: TSN with Legacy End-Stations Synchronization (Aug 2024)
Daniel Bujosa Mateu, Julián Proenza , Alessandro Papadopoulos, Thomas Nolte, Mohammad Ashjaei
Open Journal of the Industrial Electronics Society (OJIES)

Deadline-constrained security-aware workflow scheduling in hybrid cloud architecture (Aug 2024)
Somayeh Abdi, Mohammad Ashjaei, Saad Mubeen
Future Generation Computer Systems (FGCS)

Supporting End-to-end Data Propagation Delay Analysis for TSN-based Distributed Vehicular Embedded Systems (Aug 2023)
Bahar Houtan, Mohammad Ashjaei, Masoud Daneshtalab, Mikael Sjödin, Saad Mubeen
Journal of Systems Architecture, 2023 (JSA)

A Comprehensive Systematic Review of Integration of Time Sensitive Networking and 5G Communication (Feb 2023)
Zenepe Satka, Mohammad Ashjaei, Hossein Fotouhi, Masoud Daneshtalab, Mikael Sjödin, Saad Mubeen
Journal of Systems Architecture, 2023 (JSA)

Implications of Various Preemption Configurations in TSN Networks (Oct 2021)
Mohammad Ashjaei, Lejla Murselović , Saad Mubeen
IEEE Embedded Systems Letters (Embed Syst Lett)

Time-Sensitive Networking in Automotive Embedded Systems: State of the Art and Research Opportunities (Sep 2021)
Mohammad Ashjaei, Lucia Lo Bello , Masoud Daneshtalab, Gaetano Patti , Sergio Saponara , Saad Mubeen
Journal of Systems Architecture, 2021 (JSA)

Guest Editorial: Special Issue on Parallel, Distributed, and Network-Based Processing in Next-generation Embedded Systems (Aug 2021)
Saad Mubeen, Lucia Lo Bello , Masoud Daneshtalab, Sergio Saponara
Journal of Systems Architecture, 2021 (JSA)

A Novel Frame Preemption Model in TSN Networks (Jun 2021)
Mohammad Ashjaei, Mikael Sjödin, Saad Mubeen
Journal of Systems Architecture (JSA, 114)

Conference/Workshop Paper (28)

An Improved Worst-Case Response Time Analysis for AVB Traffic in Time-Sensitive Networks (Dec 2024)
Daniel Bujosa Mateu, Julián Proenza , Alessandro Papadopoulos, Thomas Nolte, Mohammad Ashjaei
45th IEEE Real-Time Systems Symposium (RTSS 2024)

Enhancing Real-Time Networked Embedded Systems with End-to-end TSN-5G Networks (Dec 2024)
Zenepe Satka, Saad Mubeen, Mohammad Ashjaei, Daniel Ragnarsson , Didrik Nordin
IEEE 14th International Symposium on Industrial Embedded Systems (SIES2024)

Using NETCONF for Automatic Fault Diagnosis in Time-Sensitive Networking (Sep 2024)
Ines Alvarez, Saad Mubeen, Mohammad Ashjaei
IEEE International Conference on Emerging Technologies and Factory Automation (ETFA'24)

Redundancy Link Security Analysis:\An Automation Industry Perspective (Sep 2024)
Björn Leander, Bjarne Johansson, Saad Mubeen, Mohammad Ashjaei, Tomas Lindström
IEEE International Conference on Emerging Technologies and Factory Automation (ETFA'24)

Dynamic Priority Scheduling for periodic systems using ROS 2 (Oct 2023) -- Best Paper Award--
Lukas Dust, Saad Mubeen
8th International Conference on Engineering of Computer-based Systems (ECBS2023)

Experimental Analysis of Wireless TSN Networks for Real-time Applications (Oct 2023)
Zenepe Satka, Deepa Barhia , Sobia Saud , Saad Mubeen, Mohammad Ashjaei
28th International Conference on Emerging Technologies and Factory Automation (ETFA 2023)

Pattern-Based Verification of ROS 2 Nodes using UPPAAL (Sep 2023)
Lukas Dust, Rong Gu, Cristina Seceleanu, Mikael Ekström, Saad Mubeen
FMICS 2023 - International Conference on Formal Methods for Industrial Critical Systems (FMICS 2023)

Comparative Evaluation of Various Generations of Controller Area Network Based on Timing Analysis (Sep 2023)
Aldin Berisa, Mohammad Ashjaei, Masoud Daneshtalab, Mikael Sjödin, Adis Panjevic , Imran Kovac , Hans Lyngbäck , Saad Mubeen
28th International Conference on Emerging Technologies and Factory Automation (ETFA 2023)

Experimental Evaluation of Callback Behavior in ROS 2 Executors (Sep 2023)
Lukas Dust, Emil Persson, Mikael Ekström, Saad Mubeen, Cristina Seceleanu, Rong Gu
28th International Conference on Emerging Technologies and Factory Automation (ETFA 2023)

Centralised Architecture for the Automatic Self-Configuration of Industrial Networks
Ines Alvarez, Daniel Bujosa Mateu, Bjarne Johansson, Mohammad Ashjaei, Saad Mubeen
28th International Conference on Emerging Technologies and Factory Automation (ETFA 2023)

Towards Modelling 5G Communication in Software Architectures of Vehicular CPS (Sep 2023)
Zenepe Satka, Saad Mubeen, Mohammad Ashjaei, John Lundbäck
49th Euromicro Conference Series on Software Engineering and Advanced Applications (SEAA 2023)

Timing Predictability and Performance Standoff in Component-based Vehicle Software on Multi-core (Mar 2023)
Saad Mubeen
IEEE International Conference on Software Architecture Companion Proceedings (MDE4SA@ICSA 2023)

Communication Patterns for Evaluating Vehicular E/E Architectures (Nov 2022)
Elena Lisova, Ruben Broux, Joachim Denil , Alessio Bucaioni, Saad Mubeen
The 2nd International Conference on Electrical, Computer, Communications and Mechatronics Engineering (ICECCME 2022)

Schedulability Analysis of WSAN Applications: Outperformance of a Model Checking Approach (Sep 2022)
Ehsan Khamespanah , Morteza Mohaqeqi , Mohammad Ashjaei, Marjan Sirjani
International Conference on Emerging Technologies and Factory (ETFA'2022)

Concurrent OPC UA information model access, enabling real-time OPC UA PubSub (Sep 2022)
Patrick Denzler, Mohammad Ashjaei, Thomas Frühwirth , Victor Nicholas Ebirim , Wolfgang Kastner
International Conference on Emerging Technologies and Factory (ETFA'2022)

Cognitive and Time Predictable Task Scheduling in Edge-cloud Federation (Sep 2022)
Somayeh Abdi, Mohammad Ashjaei, Saad Mubeen
International Conference on Emerging Technologies and Factory (ETFA'2022)

A Centralized Configuration Model for TSN-5G Networks (Sep 2022)
Zenepe Satka, Ines Alvarez, Mohammad Ashjaei, Saad Mubeen
International Conference on Emerging Technologies and Factory (ETFA'2022)

QoS-MAN: A Novel QoS Mapping Algorithm for TSN-5G Flows
Zenepe Satka, Mohammad Ashjaei, Hossein Fotouhi, Masoud Daneshtalab, Mikael Sjödin, Saad Mubeen
The 28th IEEE International Conference on Embedded and Real-Time Computing Systems and Applications (RTCSA'22)

HERMES: Heuristic Multi-queue Scheduler for TSN Time-Triggered Traffic with Zero Reception Jitter Capabilities (Jun 2022)
Daniel Bujosa Mateu, Mohammad Ashjaei, Alessandro Papadopoulos, Thomas Nolte, Julián Proenza
The 30th International Conference on Real-Time Networks and Systems (RTNS'22)

AVB-aware Routing and Scheduling for Critical Traffic in Time-sensitive Networks with Preemption (Jun 2022)
Aldin Berisa, Luxi Zhao , Silviu Craciunas , Mohammad Ashjaei, Saad Mubeen, Masoud Daneshtalab, Mikael Sjödin
The 30th International Conference on Real-Time Networks and Systems (RTNS'22)

Developing a Translation Technique for Converged TSN-5G Communication
Zenepe Satka, David Pantzar , Alexander Magnusson , Mohammad Ashjaei, Hossein Fotouhi, Mikael Sjödin, Masoud Daneshtalab, Saad Mubeen
18th IEEE International Conference on Factory Communication Systems (WFCS'22)

An Evaluation Framework for Modeling Languages Supporting Predictable Vehicular Software Systems (Apr 2022)
Enxhi Ferko, Igli Jasharllari , Alessio Bucaioni, Mohammad Ashjaei, Saad Mubeen
19th International Conference on Information Technology : New Generations (ITNG2022)

A Conceptual Framework for Software Modeling ofAutomation Systems (Apr 2022)
Mohammad Ashjaei, Alessio Bucaioni, Saad Mubeen
19th International Conference on Information Technology : New Generations (ITNG2022)

Scheduling Elastic Applications in Compositional Real-Time Systems (Sep 2021)
Shaik Salman, Alessandro Papadopoulos, Filip Markovic, Saad Mubeen, Thomas Nolte
26th IEEE International Conference on Emerging Technologies and Factory Automation (ETFA 2021)

Schedulability Analysis of Best-Effort Traffic in TSN Networks (Sep 2021)
Bahar Houtan, Mohammad Ashjaei, Masoud Daneshtalab, Mikael Sjödin, Sara Afshar, Saad Mubeen
26th IEEE International Conference on Emerging Technologies and Factory Automation (ETFA 2021)

Offloading Accelerator-intensive Workloads in CPU-GPU Heterogeneous Processors (Sep 2021)
Nandinbaatar Tsog, Saad Mubeen, Fredrik Bruhn, Moris Behnam, Mikael Sjödin
26th IEEE International Conference on Emerging Technologies and Factory Automation (ETFA 2021)

Supporting Autonomous Vehicle Applications on the Heterogeneous System Architecture (May 2021)
Nandinbaatar Tsog, Marielle Gallardo, Sweta Chakraborty, Torbjörn Martinson, Alexandra Hengl, Magnus Moberg, Adem Sen, Mobyen Uddin Ahmed, Shahina Begum, Moris Behnam, Mikael Sjödin, Saad Mubeen
7th international Conference on the Engineering of Computer Based Systems (ECBS 2021)

Optimizing Inter-Core Data-Propagation Delays in Industrial Embedded Systems under Partitioned Scheduling (Jan 2021)
Lamija Hasanagic, Tin Vidovic, Saad Mubeen, Mohammad Ashjaei, Matthias Becker
26th Asia and South Pacific Design Automation Conference (ASP-DAC'21)

Report - MRTC (1)

Bridging the Gap: An Interface Architecture for Integrating CAN and TSN Networks
Aldin Berisa, Saad Mubeen, Masoud Daneshtalab, Mohammad Ashjaei, Mikael Sjödin, Benjamin Kraljusic , Nejla Zahirovic
MRTC Report, Mälardalen Real-Time Research Centre (MRTC 2024)

Report (1)

Communication Patterns in Automotive Systems (Mar 2022)
Ruben Broux, Elena Lisova, Saad Mubeen

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