Towards Predictable and Reliable Wireless Communication in Harsh Environments (Jan 2013) Martin Ekström
Evaluation of the IngVaL Pedobarography System for Monitoring of Walking Speed (May 2018) Per Hellström, Anna Åkerberg, Martin Ekström, Mia Folke Healthcare Informatics Research (HIR)
A Bluetooth Radio Energy Consumption Model for Low Duty-Cycle Applications (Dec 2011) Martin Ekström, Marcus Bergblomma, Maria Lindén, Mats Björkman, Mikael Ekström IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement
On the Initialization Problem for Timed-Elastic Bands (Jul 2023) Niklas Persson, Martin Ekström, Mikael Ekström, Alessandro Papadopoulos 22nd IFAC World Congress (IFAC 2023)
Trajectory tracking and stabilisation of a riderless bicycle (Sep 2021) Niklas Persson, Martin Ekström, Mikael Ekström, Alessandro Papadopoulos 24th IEEE International Conference on Intelligent Transportation (ITSC2021)
A Comparative Analysis and Design of Controllers for Autonomous Bicycles (Jun 2021) Niklas Persson, Tom Andersson , Anas Fattouh, Martin Ekström, Alessandro Papadopoulos 20th European Control Conference (ECC 2021)
A Loop Shaping Method for Stabilising a Riderless Bicycle (Oct 2019) Tom Andersson , Niklas Persson, Anas Fattouh, Martin Ekström European Conference on Mobile Robots (ECMR 2019)
Evaluation of Closed-Loop Feedback System Delay: A time-critical perspective for neurofeedback training (Jan 2018) Jonatan Tidare, Elaine Åstrand, Martin Ekström International Joint Conference on Biomedical Engineering Systems and Technologies (BIOSTEC 2018)
Extraction of working memory load and the importance of understanding the temporal dynamics Elaine Åstrand, Martin Ekström 2017 8th International IEEE/EMBS Conference on Neural Engineering (NER)
Experimental Comparison Study of UWB Technologies for Static Human Detection (Oct 2016) Melika Hozhabri, Magnus Otterskog, Nikola Petrovic, Martin Ekström IEEE International Conference on Ubiquitous Wireless Broadband (ICUWB 2016) ( ICUWB 2016)
Walking Intensity Estimation with a Portable Pedobarography System (May 2016) Per Hellström, Anna Åkerberg, Martin Ekström, Mia Folke 13th International Conference on Wearable Micro and Nano Technologies for Personalized Health (pHealth 2016)
Wearable Weight Estimation System (Oct 2015) Per Hellström, Mia Folke, Martin Ekström 4th International Conference on Health and Social Care Information Systems and Technologies (HCIST 2015)
Intelligent Wireless Body Area Network System for Human Motion Analysis (Jun 2015) Per Hellström, Lennie Carlén Eriksson, Jonatan Scharff Willners, Mia Folke, Martin Ekström 1st International Conference on Smart Portable, Wearable, Implantable and Disability-oriented Devices and Systems (SPWID 2015)
A wireless low latency control system for harsh environments (Dec 2012) Marcus Bergblomma, Martin Ekström, Mats Björkman, Mikael Ekström, Christer Gerdtman, Maria Lindén 11th IFAC,IEEE International Conference on Programmable Devices and Embedded Systems (PDeS)
A smart-phone based monitoring system with health device profile (Oct 2012) Gregory Koshmak, Martin Ekström, Maria Lindén Medicinteknikdagarna 2012, 2-3 oktober, Lund
A smart-Phone Based Monitoring System with Health Device Profile for Measuring Vital Physiological parameters (May 2012) Gregory Koshmak, Martin Ekström, Maria Lindén World Congress on Medical Physics and Biomedical Engineering, Beijing, China, May 26-31
Reliable Wireless ECG Sensor Network (Sep 2009) Martin Ekström, Marcus Bergblomma Medicinteknikdagarna
Wireless ECG network (Sep 2009) Marcus Bergblomma, Martin Ekström, Mikael Ekström, Javier Garcia Castaño, Mats Björkman, Maria Lindén World Congress on Medical Physics and Biomedical Engineering - Information and Communication in Medicine, Telemedicine and e-Health
Bluetooth energy characteristics in wireless sensor networks (May 2008) Martin Ekström, Marcus Bergblomma, Javier Garcia Castaño, Maria Lindén, Mikael Ekström Wireless Pervasive Computing, 2008. ISWPC 2008. 3rd International Symposium on
Inter- disciplinary and -sectorial cooperation for development of technology supporting behavioral change (Apr 2017) Maria Ehn, Mattias Derneborg , Martin Ekström, Ann-Christin Johansson Persuasive Technology XII, 2017 (Pers Tech 2017)