Björn Lisper is professor in Computer Engineering at Mälardalen University since 1999, where he leads the Programming Languages research group. His current research interests are in programming language issues. He received his MSc (Engineering Physics) 1980, and Doctor of Technology (Computer Science) 1987, both from KTH, Sweden, where he also was appointed "docent" in Computer Systems (1991). Prof. Lisper was the Chair of the COST Action IC1202 Timing Analysis on Code-Level. He has been a Core Member of the FP7 NoE ArtistDesign, where he was the leader of the timing analysis activity. He coordinated the FP7 ICT project ALL-TIMES, and the Marie Curie IAPP project APARTS. He is a member of HiPEAC as well as IFIP WG 10.2 on Embedded Systems.
Current research interests are in programming language issues, Including static program analysis and its applications to software testing, Worst-Case Execution Time (WCET) analysis, and the design of data parallel and array languages for programming of heterogenous systems with parallel accelerators.
Machine Learning Testing in an ADAS Case Study Using Simulation-Integrated Bio-Inspired Search-Based Testing (Jun 2023) Mahshid Helali Moghadam, Markus Borg , Mehrdad Saadatmand, Seyed Jalaleddin Mousavirad , Markus Bohlin, Björn Lisper Journal of Software: Evolution and Process (JSEP)
HERO-ML: A Very High-Level Array Language for Executable Modelling of Data Parallel Algorithms (Jun 2023) Björn Lisper, Linus Källberg ARRAY 2023 (ARRAY '23)
HERO-ML Specification (Feb 2023) Björn Lisper, Linus Källberg
On the Computation of Interprocedural Weak Control Closure (Apr 2022) Abu Naser Masud, Björn Lisper ACM SIGPLAN 2022 International Conference on Compiler Construction (CC '22)
A Comprehensive Exploration of Languages for Parallel Computing (Jan 2022) Federico Ciccozzi, Lorenzo Addazi, Sara Abbaspour, Björn Lisper, Abu Naser Masud, Saad Mubeen ACM Computing Surveys (CSUR'21)
Performance Testing Using a Smart Reinforcement Learning-Driven Test Agent (Jul 2021) Mahshid Helali Moghadam, Golrokh Hamidi , Markus Borg , Mehrdad Saadatmand, Markus Bohlin, Björn Lisper, Pasqualina Potena 2021 IEEE Congress on Evolutionary Computation (IEEE CEC 2021)
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