
Type: Date:

Number of publications matching the search criterion: 121 (showing 1 - 50)

Book (1)

A Performance Evaluation Framework for Innovation a chapter in Innovation in Business and Enterprise: Technologies and Frameworks (Jan 2010)
Stefan Cedergren, Anders Wall, Christer Norström

Book chapter (1)

Managing offshore development (Jan 2012)
Petra Edoff, Christer Norström, Ylva Boivie
Perspectives on supplier innovation: theories, concepts and empirical insights on open innovation and the integration of suppliers (STM 18)

Collection (Editor) (6)

Decreasing Maintenance Costs by Introducing Formal Analysis of Real-Time Behavior in Industrial Settings (Nov 2006)
Anders Wall, Johan Kraft, Christer Norström
LNCS 4313: Leveraging Applications of Formal Methods

A Framework for Analysis of Timing and Resource Utilization targeting Complex Embedded Systems (Jan 2006)
Johan Kraft, Anders Wall, Christer Norström
ARTES - A network for Real-Time research and graduate Education in Sweden 1997 – 2006

A Comparative Case Study of Distributed Network Architectures for Different Automotive Applications (Jan 2005)
Jakob Axelsson, Joakim Fröberg , Hans Hansson, Christer Norström, Kristian Sandström, Björn Villing
The Industrial Information Technology Handbook

A Dependable Open Platform for Industrial Robotics - A Case Study (Apr 2004)
Goran Mustapic, Johan Kraft, Christer Norström, Anders Wall

A Comparative Case Study of Distributed Network Architectures for Different Automotive Applications (Jan 2004)
Joakim Fröberg , Kristian Sandström, Christer Norström, Jakob Axelsson, Björn Villing
Handbook on Information Technology in Industrial Automation

Requirements for Real-Time Components (Jan 2002)
Damir Isovic, Christer Norström
Building Reliable Component-Based Systems

Journal article (8)

PMEX – A Performance Measurement Evaluation Matrix for the Development of Industrial Software-Intensive Products (Mar 2011)
Stefan Cedergren, Anders Wall, Christer Norström
International Journal of Innovation and Technology Management

Evaluation of Performance in a Product Development Context (Feb 2010)
Stefan Cedergren, Anders Wall, Christer Norström
Business Horizons

Key Factors for Achieving Project Success in Integration of Automotive Mechatronics (Mar 2007)
Joakim Fröberg , Mikael Åkerholm, Kristian Sandström, Christer Norström
Journal of Innovations in Systems and Software Engineering

Editorial - Special Section on Factory Communication Systems (Aug 2005)
Christer Norström, Hans Hansson
IEEE Transaction on Industrial Informatics

Aspects and Components in Real-Time System Development: Towards Reconfigurable and Reusable Software (Feb 2004)
Aleksandra Tesanovic , Dag Nyström, Jörgen Hansson , Christer Norström

Integrating Reliability and Timing Analysis of CAN-based Systems (Dec 2002)
Hans Hansson, Thomas Nolte, Christer Norström, Sasikumar Punnekkat
IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics

BASEMENT: An Architecture and Methodology for Distributed Automotive Real-Time Systems (Sep 1997)
Hans Hansson, Harold Lawson , O. Bridal , Christer Norström, S. Larsson , H. Lönn , M. Strömberg
IEEE Trans. on Computers

An Overview of RTT: A Design Framework for Real-Time Systems (Aug 1996)
Christer Norström, Jukka Mäki-Turja, Jan Gustafsson, Kristian Sandström, Ellus Brorson
Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing

Conference/Workshop Paper (76)

Assessment of Trace-Differences in Timing Analysis for Complex Real-Time Embedded Systems (Jun 2011)
Yue Lu, Thomas Nolte, Iain Bate, Johan Kraft, Christer Norström
6th IEEE International Symposium on Industrial Embedded Systems (SIES11)

An Approximate Timing Analysis Framework for Complex Real-Time Embedded Systems (Dec 2010)
Yue Lu, Thomas Nolte, Johan Kraft, Christer Norström
The 43th Winter Simulation Conference 2010 (WSC10), the PhD Colloquium

On Validation of Simulation Models in Timing Analysis of Complex Real-Time Embedded Systems (Sep 2010)
Yue Lu, Johan Kraft, Thomas Nolte, Christer Norström
The 15th IEEE International Conference on Emerging Technologies and Factory Automation (EFTA10), Work-In-Progress (WIP) session.

A Statistical Approach to Response-Time Analysis of Complex Embedded Real-Time Systems (Aug 2010)
Yue Lu, Thomas Nolte, Johan Kraft, Christer Norström
The 16th IEEE International Conference on Embedded and Real-Time Computing Systems and Applications (RTCSA10)

A Statistical Approach to Simulation Model Validation in Timing Analysis of Complex Real-Time Embedded Systems (Jul 2010)
Yue Lu, Johan Kraft, Thomas Nolte, Christer Norström
The 1st International Workshop on Analysis Tools and Methodologies for Embedded and Real-time Systems (WATERS10) in conjunction with the 22nd Euromicro Conference on Real-Time Systems (ECRTS10)

Timing Analyzing for Systems with Task Execution Dependencies (Jul 2010)
Yue Lu, Thomas Nolte, Iain Bate, Christer Norström
The 34th Annual IEEE Computer Software and Applications Conference (COMPSAC10)

Towards Integrating Perceived Customer Value in the Evaluation of Performance in Product Development (Jul 2010)
Stefan Cedergren, Stig Larsson , Anders Wall, Christer Norström
Portland International Conference on Management of Engineering and Technology

Challenges with Evaluating Performance in Product Development (Jun 2010)
Stefan Cedergren, Anders Wall, Christer Norström

Implementing Open Innovation - In Collaborative Flexible Team Formations (Jun 2010)
Petra Edoff, Christer Norström
17th International product Development Management Conference

A Statistical Approach for Validation of Task Simulation Models with Intricate Temporal Execution Dependencies (Apr 2010)
Yue Lu, Johan Kraft, Thomas Nolte, Christer Norström
Proceedings of the Work-In-Progress (WIP) track of the 16th IEEE Real-Time and Embedded Technology and Applications Symposium (RTAS10)

Statistical-based Response-Time Analysis of Systems with Execution Dependencies between Tasks (Mar 2010)
Yue Lu, Thomas Nolte, Johan Kraft, Christer Norström
The 15th IEEE International Conference on Engineering of Complex Computer Systems (ICECCS10)

Timing Analyzing for Systems with Execution Dependencies between Tasks (Mar 2010)
Yue Lu, Thomas Nolte, Iain Bate, Christer Norström
Track on Real-Time Systems, The 25th ACM Symposium on Applied Computing (SAC10)

Studying Software Organizations: In Search of a Method (Feb 2010)
Jayakanth Srinivasan, Christer Norström, Kristina Lundqvist
3rd India Software Engineering Conference

Statistical-based Response-Time Analysis of Systems with Execution Dependencies between Tasks (Dec 2009)
Yue Lu, Thomas Nolte, Johan Kraft, Christer Norström
Proceedings of the Work-In-Progress (WIP) track of the 30th IEEE Real-Time Systems Symposium (RTSS09)

On the Evolution of an Industrial Software Engineering Graduate Program (Dec 2009)
Sasikumar Punnekkat, Christer Norström, Lars-Olof Gustafsson , V Rajanna
International conference on Software Engineering- CONSEG 2009

The Evolution of an collaboration - between an European High Tech Company and its Indian Service Provider (Nov 2009)
Petra Edoff, Christer Norström
2nd Asian Management and Entrepreneurship Workshop

Transformational Specification of Complex Legacy Real-Time Systems via Semantic Anchoring (Jul 2009)
Yue Lu, Antonio Cicchetti, Stefan Bygde, Johan Kraft, Thomas Nolte, Christer Norström
The 2nd IEEE International Workshop on Component-Based Design of Resource-Constrained Systems (CORCS09) in conjunction with the 33rd Annual IEEE Computer Software and Applications Conference (COMPSAC09)

Towards Response-Time Analysis of Complex Real-Time Systems by using ParametricWorst-Case Execution-Time Estimate on Tasks – A Case Study for Robotic Control System (Jul 2009)
Yue Lu, Antonio Cicchetti, Mikael Sjödin, Jukka Mäki-Turja, Stefan Bygde, Christer Norström
The 21st Euromicro Conference on Real-Time Systems (ECRTS09) Work-In-Progress (WIP) session

Lessons Learned from a Workshop on Relationship Building (Jul 2009)
Jayakanth Srinivasan, Annika Lofgren , Christer Norström, Kristina Lundqvist
4th IEEE International Conference on Global Software Engineering

Managing offshore development- an intercultural perspective (Jun 2009)
Petra Edoff, Christer Norström, Ylva Boivie
16the international product development management conference

Exploring the Sources of Enterprise Agility in Software Organizations (Jun 2009)
Jayakanth Srinivasan, Kristina Lundqvist, Christer Norström
Second International Engineering Systems Symposium The Emerging Field of Engineering Systems: Achievements and Challenges

Approximate Timing Analysis of Complex Legacy Real-Time Systems using Simulation Optimization (Dec 2008)
Yue Lu, Markus Bohlin, Johan Kraft, Thomas Nolte, Christer Norström
Proceedings of the Work-In-Progress (WIP) track of the 29th IEEE Real-Time Systems Symposium (RTSS08)

A Method for Balancing Short- and Long-Term Investments: Quality vs. Features (Sep 2008)
Markus Lindgren, Rikard Land, Christer Norström, Anders Wall
In Proc. 34th Euromicro Conference on Software Engineering and Advanced Applications

PMEX – A Performance Measurement Evaluating Matrix for Development of Complex Products and Systems (Jul 2008)
Stefan Cedergren, Christer Norström, Anders Wall

Validation of Temporal Simulation Models of Complex Real-Time Systems (Jul 2008)
Farhang Nemati, Johan Kraft, Christer Norström
IEEE International Workshop On Component-Based Design Of Resource-Constrained Systems (CORCS08)

Towards a Capability Model for the Software Release Planning Process - Based on a Multiple Case Study (Jun 2008)
Markus Lindgren, Rikard Land, Christer Norström, Anders Wall
9th International Conference on Product Focused Software Process Improvement

A Metaheuristic Approach for Best Effort Timing Analysis targeting Complex Legacy Real-Time Systems (Apr 2008)
Johan Kraft, Yue Lu, Christer Norström, Anders Wall
The 15th IEEE Real-Time and Embedded Technology and Applications Symposium (RTAS08)

Key Aspects of Software Release Planning in Industry (Mar 2008)
Markus Lindgren, Rikard Land, Christer Norström, Anders Wall
19th Australian Software Engineering Conference

Guiding Architectural Decisions with the Influencing Factors Method (Feb 2008)
Pia Stoll, Anders Wall, Christer Norström
Working IEEE/IFIP Conference on Software Architecture (WICSA) 2008

Importance of Software Architecture during Release Planning (Feb 2008)
Markus Lindgren, Christer Norström, Anders Wall, Rikard Land
Working IEEE/IFIP Conference on Software Architecture (WICSA)

Extracting Simulation Models from Complex Embedded Real-Time Systems (Aug 2007)
Johan Kraft, Joel Huselius, Anders Wall, Christer Norström
Real-Time in Sweden 2007

Productivity Framework for Innovative Product Development (Jun 2007)
Stefan Cedergren, Christer Norström, Lars Cederblad , Anders Wall
The 5th International Symposium of Technology Management

Extracting Simulation Models from Complex Embedded Real-Time Systems (Oct 2006)
Johan Kraft, Joel Huselius, Christer Norström, Anders Wall
Proceedings of the 2006 International Conference on Software Engineering Advances, ICSEA06

Technology Transfer: Why some Succeed and some don’t (May 2006)
Magnus Larsson, Christer Norström, Anders Wall, Ivica Crnkovic
Technology Transfer Workshop, ICSE 2006

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