Formal Methods for Scalable Synthesis and Verification of Autonomous Systems (May 2022) Rong Gu
Automatic Model Generation and Scalable Verification for Autonomous Vehicles (Jun 2020) Rong Gu
Synthesis and Verification of Mission Plans for Multiple Autonomous Agents under Complex Road Conditions (Jun 2024) Rong Gu, Eduard Baranov , Afshin Ameri E., Eduard Paul Enoiu, Baran Çürüklü, Cristina Seceleanu, Axel Legay , Kristina Lundqvist ACM Transactions on Software Engineering and Methodology (TOSEM)
Correctness-Guaranteed Strategy Synthesis and Compression for Multi-Agent Autonomous Systems (Sep 2022) Rong Gu, Peter Jensen , Cristina Seceleanu, Eduard Paul Enoiu, Kristina Lundqvist Science of Computer Programming (SCICO-223)
Verifiable Strategy Synthesis for Multiple Autonomous Agents: A Scalable Approach (Jun 2022) Rong Gu, Peter Jensen , Danny Poulsen , Cristina Seceleanu, Eduard Paul Enoiu, Kristina Lundqvist International Journal on Software Tools for Technology Transfer (STTT)
Energy-Efficient Motion Planning for Autonomous Vehicles Using UPPAAL Stratego (Jul 2024) Muhammad Naeem, Rong Gu, Cristina Seceleanu, Kim Guldstrand Larsen , Brian Nielsen , Michele Albano The 18th International Symposium on Theoretical Aspects of Software Engineering (TASE2024)
Guess and then Check: Controller Synthesis for Safe and Secure Cyber-Physical Systems (Jul 2024) Rong Gu, Zahra Moezkarimi, Marjan Sirjani 44th International Conference on Formal Techniques for Distributed Objects, Components, and Systems (FORTE 2024)
A Service-Oriented Digital Twin Framework for Dynamic and Robust Distributed Systems Rong Gu, Tiberiu Seceleanu, Ning Xiong, Muhammad Naeem IEEE SSE 2024: IEEE International Conference on Software Services Engineering (SSE2024)
Pattern-Based Verification of ROS 2 Nodes using UPPAAL (Sep 2023) Lukas Dust, Rong Gu, Cristina Seceleanu, Mikael Ekström, Saad Mubeen FMICS 2023 - International Conference on Formal Methods for Industrial Critical Systems (FMICS 2023)
Experimental Evaluation of Callback Behavior in ROS 2 Executors (Sep 2023) Lukas Dust, Emil Persson, Mikael Ekström, Saad Mubeen, Cristina Seceleanu, Rong Gu 28th International Conference on Emerging Technologies and Factory Automation (ETFA 2023)
Model-Based Policy Synthesis and Test-Case Generation for Autonomous Systems (Apr 2023) Rong Gu, Eduard Paul Enoiu 19th Workshop on Advances in Model Based Testing (A-MOST 2023)
Model Checking Collision Avoidance of Nonlinear Autonomous Vehicle Models (Nov 2021) Rong Gu, Cristina Seceleanu, Eduard Paul Enoiu, Kristina Lundqvist Formal Methods 2021 (FM'21)
Probabilistic Mission Planning and Analysis for Multi-agent Systems (Oct 2020) Rong Gu, Eduard Paul Enoiu, Cristina Seceleanu, Kristina Lundqvist 9th International Symposium On Leveraging Applications of Formal Methods, Verification and Validation (ISoLA 2020)
Verifiable and Scalable Mission-Plan Synthesis for Multiple Autonomous Agents (Sep 2020) -- Best Paper Award-- Rong Gu, Eduard Paul Enoiu, Cristina Seceleanu, Kristina Lundqvist 25TH INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON FORMAL METHODS FOR INDUSTRIAL CRITICAL SYSTEMS (FMICS)
TAMAA: UPPAAL-based Mission Planning for Autonomous Agents (Apr 2020) Rong Gu, Eduard Paul Enoiu, Cristina Seceleanu The 35th ACM/SIGAPP Symposium On Applied Computing (SAC2020)
Towards a Two-layer Framework for Verifying Autonomous Vehicles (May 2019) Rong Gu, Raluca Marinescu, Cristina Seceleanu, Kristina Lundqvist 11th Annual NASA Formal Methods Symposium (NFM 2019)
Formal Verification of an Autonomous Wheel Loader by Model Checking (Jun 2018) Rong Gu, Raluca Marinescu, Cristina Seceleanu, Kristina Lundqvist FORMAL METHODS IN SOFTWARE ENGINEERING (FormaliSE 2018)
Strategy Synthesis and Compression for Multi-Agent Autonomous Systems: A Correctness-Guaranteed Approach (Apr 2022) Rong Gu, Peter Jensen , Cristina Seceleanu, Eduard Paul Enoiu, Kristina Lundqvist
Formal Verification of Collision Avoidance for Nonlinear Autonomous Vehicle Models (Apr 2021) Rong Gu, Cristina Seceleanu, Eduard Paul Enoiu, Kristina Lundqvist
Controller Synthesis and Verification for Multi-Agent Systems (Jul 2020) Rong Gu
Combining Model Checking and Reinforcement Learning for Scalable Mission Planning of Autonomous Agents (May 2020) Rong Gu, Eduard Paul Enoiu, Cristina Seceleanu, Kristina Lundqvist
DPAC Newsletter Spring 2021 (Jun 2021) Kristina Lundqvist, Mikael Sjödin, Nandinbaatar Tsog, Saad Mubeen, Fredrik Bruhn, Jakob Danielsson, Marcus Jägemar, Tiberiu Seceleanu, Moris Behnam, Afshin Ameri E., Baran Çürüklü, Branko Miloradovic, Mikael Ekström, LanAnh Trinh, Rong Gu, Eduard Paul Enoiu, Cristina Seceleanu, Fereidoun Moradi, Sara Abbaspour, Ali Sedaghatbaf, Aida Causevic, Marjan Sirjani, Carolyn Talcott
DPAC Newsletter Spring 2020 (May 2020) Kristina Lundqvist, Mikael Sjödin, Saad Mubeen, Håkan Forsberg, Mikael Ekström, Cristina Seceleanu, Nandinbaatar Tsog, Jakob Danielsson, Mohammad Loni, Baran Çürüklü, LanAnh Trinh, Afshin Ameri E., Luciana Provenzano, Kaj Hänninen, Susanne Fronnå, Marjan Sirjani, Rong Gu, Masoud Daneshtalab, Sima Sinaei, Joakim Lindén