Improving the Efficiency and Reliability of Text Messaging Gateways (Nov 2022) Daniel Brahneborg Doctoral Thesis (PhD Thesis)
Automated System-Level Software Testing of Industrial Networked Embedded Systems (Nov 2021) Per Erik Strandberg
Improving Differential Evolution with Adaptive and Local Search Methods (Dec 2019) Miguel Leon Ortiz
Wearable Pedobarography System for Monitoring of Walk Related Parameters (Oct 2019) Per Hellström
Real-time signal processing in MEMS sensor-based motion analysis systems (Mar 2019) Jiaying Du
An interactive health technology solution for encouraging physical activity (Mar 2018) Anna Åkerberg Doctoral Thesis (PhD Thesis)
Measurement System for Microwave Imaging Towards a Biomedical Application (May 2014) Nikola Petrovic
Improving the Quality Attributes of a Monolithic Messaging Gateway (Jun 2020) Daniel Brahneborg
Machine Learning-Assisted Performance Assurance (Jun 2020) Mahshid Helali Moghadam
Enhancing differential evolution algorithm for solving continuous optimisation problems (Dec 2016) Miguel Leon Ortiz
Wireless Wearable Measurement System Based on Pedobarography for Monitoring of Health (Sep 2016) Per Hellström
Signal processing for MEMS sensor based motion analysis system (May 2016) Jiaying Du
High Performance Breath Analysis (Jan 2016) Jonas Ljungblad
Wireless Measurement Systems for Health and Safety (Oct 2015) Torbjörn Ödman
Remote Monitoring and Automatic Fall Detection for Elderly People at Home (Jun 2015) Gregory Koshmak
Proposing Combined Approaches to Remove ECG Artifacts from Surface EMG Signals (Apr 2015) Sara Abbaspour
Coordination Models and Languages - 24th IFIP WG 6.1 International Conference, COORDINATION 2022, Held as Part of the 17th International Federated Conference on Distributed Computing Techniques, DisCoTec 2022, Lucca, Italy, June 13-17, 2022, Proceedings (2022) Marjan Sirjani, Maurice H. ter Beek
Jacobsons teknik i praktisk sjukvård (Aug 2018) Maria Lindén, Åke Öberg
Body Sensors and Electrocardiography (Aug 2017) Roman Trobec, Ivan Tomasic, Aleksandra Rashkovska , Matjaž Depolli , Viktor Avbelj
Radio Link Quality Estimation in Low-Power Wireless Networks (Jul 2013) Hossein Fotouhi, Mário Alves , Marco Zuniga , Nouha Baccour , Claro Noda , Thiemo Voigt , Kay Romer , Carlo Boano Radio link quality estimation in low-power wireless networks (Springer)
Machine Learning Models for Industrial Applications (Feb 2021) Enislay Ramentol , Tomas Olsson, Shaibal Barua AI and Learning Systems - Industrial Applications and Future Directions (intechopen)
Artificial Intelligence, Machine learning and Reasoning in Health Informatics – Case Studies (Aug 2020) Mobyen Uddin Ahmed, Shaibal Barua, Shahina Begum Signal Processing Techniques for Computational Health Informatics (SPT)
Artificial Intelligence, Machine learning and Reasoning in Health Informatics – An Overview (Aug 2020) Mobyen Uddin Ahmed, Shaibal Barua, Shahina Begum Signal Processing Techniques for Computational Health Informatics (SPT)
Hardware Acceleration for Recurrent Neural Networks (May 2020) Sima Sinaei, Masoud Daneshtalab Institution of Engineering and Technology (IET)
Evaluating the Sense of Safety and Security in Human–Robot Interaction with Older People (Jul 2019) Neziha Akalin , Annica Kristoffersson, Amy Loutfi
Designing an Extensible Domain-Specific Web Corpus for “Layfication”: A Case Study in eCare at Home (Jan 2019) Marina Santini , Arne Jönsson , Wiktor Strandqvist , Gustav Cederblad , Mikael Nyström , Marjan Alirezaie , Leili Lind , Eva Blomqvist , Maria Lindén, Annica Kristoffersson
Embedded Sensor Systems for Health in Home Healthcare: Enablers and Challenges (May 2018) Maria Lindén, Mats Björkman, Miguel Angel Valero Encyclopedia of E-Health and Telemedicine (ENCEHT)
Survey on Data Security and Privacy in Wireless Sensor Systems for Health (Nov 2017) Aida Causevic, Hossein Fotouhi, Kristina Lundqvist Security and Privacy in Cyber-Physical Systems: Foundations, Principles and Applications (Wiley)
The Role of Smart Homes in Intelligent Homecare and Healthcare Environments (Jul 2017) L Vadillo Morenoa , M L Martín Ruiza , J Malagón , Miguel Angel Valero , Maria Lindén Ambient Assisted Living and Enhanced Living Environments: Principles, Technologies and Control (aaleleptc)
Smartphone-based Blood Pressure Monitoring for Falls Risk Assessment (Jul 2017) Hamid GholamHosseini, Mirza Mansoor Baig , A Meintjes , Mirza Farhaan, Maria Lindén Human Monitoring, Smart Health and Assisted Living: Techniques and Technologies (hash)
A Decision Support System for Cardiac Disease Diagnosis Based on Machine Learning Methods (Jul 2017) Arash Ghareh Baghi, Maria Lindén, Ankica Babic Informatics for Health: Connected Citizen-Led Wellness and Population Health (IHCCLWPH)
A Research Overview of Tool-Supported Model-based Testing of Requirements-based Designs (Jul 2015) Raluca Marinescu, Cristina Seceleanu, Helene Le Guen , Paul Pettersson Advances in Computers, vol.98 (AC)
Fundamentals of Software Engineering (selected papers of FSEN 2013) (Feb 2015) Hossein Hojjat , Marjan Sirjani, Farhad Arbab
Endodontic Continuing Education of Dental Practitioners in Croatia: A Nationwide Survey (Nov 2024) Josipa Sović , Sanja Šegović , Jurica Matijevic , Ivan Tomasic Open Access Macedonian Journal of Medical Sciences (OAMJMS)
Patterns of Antibiotic Prescription in Endodontic Therapy in the Republic of Croatia (Jul 2024) Josipa Sović , Sanja Šegović , Božidar Pavelić , Ivona Bago , Ivana Šutej , Ivan Tomasic Antibiotics (Antibiotics)
ACTOR: Adaptive Control of Transmission Power in RPL (Apr 2024) Iliar Rabet, Hossein Fotouhi, Mário Alves , Maryam Vahabi, Mats Björkman Sensors (MDPI Sensors)
A Systematic Literature Review on Hardware Reliability Assessment Methods for Deep Neural Networks (Jan 2024) Mohammad Ahmadilivani , Mahdi Taheri , Jaan Raik , Masoud Daneshtalab, Maksim Jenihhin ACM Computing Surveys (CSUR)
Toward digital inclusion of older adults in e-health (Oct 2023) Åsa Revenäs , Lars Ström , Antonio Cicchetti, Maria Ehn Universal Access in the Information Society (UAIS)
Supporting End-to-end Data Propagation Delay Analysis for TSN-based Distributed Vehicular Embedded Systems (Aug 2023) Bahar Houtan, Mohammad Ashjaei, Masoud Daneshtalab, Mikael Sjödin, Saad Mubeen Journal of Systems Architecture, 2023 (JSA)
Towards multimodal boosting of motivation for fall-preventive physical activity in seniors (Jul 2023) Åsa Revenäs , Lars Ström , Antonio Cicchetti, Maria Ehn Digital Health (Digital Health)
Clinical Sensor-Based Fall Risk Assessment at an Orthopedic Clinic: A Case Study of the Staff’s Views on Utility and Effectiveness (Feb 2023) Maria Ehn, Annica Kristoffersson Sensors (Sensors)
Reference Architectures Modelling and Compliance Checking (Jul 2022) Alessio Bucaioni, Amleto Di Salle , Ludovico Iovino , Ivano Malavolta , Patrizio Pelliccione Software and Systems Modeling (SoSym)
Gray Literature in Evaluating Effectiveness in Digital Health and Health and Welfare Technology (Mar 2022) Sara Landerdahl Stridsberg , Matt Richardson , Ken Redekop , Maria Ehn, Sarah Wamala Andersson Journal of Medical Internet Research (JMIR)
Prefrontal control of proactive and reactive mechanisms of visual suppression (Jan 2022) Fabio Di Bello , Sameh Ben Hadj Hassen , Elaine Åstrand, Suliann Ben Hamed Cerebral Cortex (CerebCor)
Specification and Verification of Timing Properties in Interoperable Medical Systems (2022) JOHN HATCLIFF , Marjan Sirjani, Ehsan Khamespanah , Fatemeh Ghasemi , Mahsa Zarneshan Logical Methods in Computer Science (LMCS)
Do you feel safe with your robot? Factors influencing perceived safety in human-robot interaction based on subjective and objective measures (Nov 2021) Neziha Akalin , Annica Kristoffersson, Amy Loutfi International Journal of Human-Computer Studies (IJHCS)
User-centered requirements engineering to manage the fuzzy front-end of open innovation in e-health (Sep 2021) Maria Ehn, Mattias Derneborg , Åsa Revenäs , Antonio Cicchetti International journal of medical informatics (Int J Med Inform)
Using Patch ECG Device During Lower Third Molar Surgery (Sep 2021) Ana Prkic , Ivan Tomasic, Antonella Lesin , Tina Becic , Danijela Kalibovic Govorko , Ivana Medvedec Mikic International Journal of Reliable and Quality E-Healthcare (IJRQEH)
Nocturnal digital surveillance in aged populations and its effects on health, welfare and social care provision (Jun 2021) Matt Richardson , Maria Ehn, Sara Landerdahl Stridsberg , Ken Redekop , Sarah Wamala Andersson BMC Health Services Research (BMC H Serv Res)
SCATTER: Service Placement in Real-Time Fog-Assisted IoT Networks (Apr 2021) Fariba Khosroabadi , Faranak Fotouhi , Hossein Fotouhi Journal of Sensor and Actuator Networks (MDPI JSAN)